

Scandinavia. Almost as far north as you can get before hitting the north pole. Still, these countries have a lot more to offer than just ice and snow. Let us show you what Scandinavia is truly like when you actually look beyond what you might see as a tourist. 


Some people believe that Scandinavia is dull and boring without a real culture. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Scandinavia has a strong culture and when you get to know us, we are not afraid to share this. For example, have you ever heard about midsummer? We Scandinavians take it very seriously and we are good at celebrating. I won’t spoil anything, to truly enjoy it, you have to see it for yourself. 


You thought Christopher Columbus was the first to discover America? Well you were very wrong. Vikings arrived hundreds of years before him. Vikings, the heritage of all of Scandinavia. These warriors travelled all over the world, sometimes raiding but often trading. 

如果你来到这里,你仍然可以在斯堪的纳维亚人中发现一些维京基因。 只要完成谁喜欢去游泳在冬天的中间。 如果那不是真正的维京人, 我不知道是什么。


Food is not something many people travel here to try but we actually have a lot of great food for all tastes. We also have some food better left alone. If you are ever invited to try some “surströmming”, you might want to decline. All of the Scandinavian countries have unique food that you simply have to try if you ever choose to visit us. Believe me, you won’t be disappointed. 

此外,不要根据你在一个国家吃什么来判断所有的食物。 我们可能都被称为斯堪的纳维亚半岛,但每个国家都有自己的食物场景要发现。 但是,嘿,这是一件好事。 多吃点食物给你吃!


尽管很多人相信,我们全年没有下雪。 至少大部分都不这样。 如果你在夏天来到这里,你可能想给你打包泳衣,而不是你的厚外套。 此外,无论您何时访问冰岛,请确保无论季节如何,您都要打包。 你根本无法前往冰岛不尝试他们的温泉。 没有什么比坐在星空下,在冬天的中间,被雪包围,在一个自然的温泉。 相信我们,你不想错过。

但是为什么我们的气候如此温和呢? 其主要原因是所谓的 湾流。 这水流从南方带来温水,在北方给我们带来温暖。 这又带来了温暖的空气,即使在冬天,也加热了我们的国家。 因此,我们永远不会得到极端天气,有些人联想到我们。 当然,我们偶尔会遭遇一两场暴风雪,但这些实际上相当罕见。


我只想说, 斯堪的纳维亚有很多误解。 有些是有趣的,有些是不那么有趣,但他们都有共同点:孤立。 我们位于一个相当偏僻的地方,没有多少旅行者在这里找到自己的路。 这就是为什么我们写这篇文章,说服更多的人来参观。 只有到一个地方旅行,你才能创建自己的形象,并打破所有这些误解。 我们希望有一天,你们能够探索这些神奇的国家,并了解斯堪的纳维亚的确切含义。
