

When deciding to become an expat many fear the language barrier. Will you be able to communicate with the locals? Today we will be talking about the language barrier in Scandinavia and help you decide between our different nations. Hopefully you will have a much better understanding of our languages after reading this. 

瑞典人 非常了解英语

瑞典以人口几乎能说一口流利的英语而闻名。 在这里,英语 从小在学校教授。 到我们毕业的时候,每个人都至少对语言有基本的了解。 当你以外籍人士的身份搬到这里时,你很快就会意识到你可以和所有的年轻人交谈。 当你尝试与老年人交谈时,你可能会有问题。 一些老年人(70岁以上)几乎不掌握这门语言,因为他们上学时没有教过。

我们总是建议你尝试学习至少一点当地语言,但瑞典语不是很容易。 如果你来自德国,你会抓住它,因为他们是非常相似的。 然而,你们其他人可能有问题。 特别是字母”+”,”é”和”+”。 然而, 没有什么快速课程无法修复。


Norway, and the rest of Scandinavia, is really similar to Sweden in that almost everyone speaks really good English. Therefore, communication will not be much of an issue. If you want to learn Norwegian, it is very similar to Swedish. So similar in fact that swedes and Norwegians can speak with each other in their own language and be understood just fine. 

Daish 可以是一个挑战

Now we start running into some problems. English is still fine, you will be able to speak with most people, but learning Danish that is an entirely different story. Of course, it can be done, many people from the rest of Scandinavia speaks Danish, but it is not as easy as Swedish and Norwegian. A Danish person can mostly understand what a swede is saying but a swede cannot understand the Danish person. 

冰岛 – 它变得复杂

现在它开始变得非常有趣。数百年,如果不是数千年前,斯堪的纳维亚半岛的每个人都说着同样的语言。它被称为老北欧。(芬兰不是其中的一部分,虽然)。 然后,这种语言被分成我们今天拥有的语言。 问题是冰岛是一个岛屿。 这意味着他们的语言受到外界的影响较小,然后说挪威语。 因此,他们仍然讲一种与多年前说的非常相似的语言。 这会让冰岛人真正痛苦地学习,因为你可能不习惯冰岛人毫不费力地发出的一些声音。 然而,学习冰岛与学习完成相比不算什么。

芬兰 – 忘了它吧!

While most of Scandinavia speaks languages that are fairly similar to each other, Finland is nothing like the rest. Knowing any Scandinavian language will not help you here (except for Swedish in some cities). It is not even part of the same language group as the other Scandinavian languages! If you want to learn Finnish, we recommend a course and even then, it will not be easy.

Luckily, learning Finish is not necessary for being an expat in Finland. Most Finish people speak excellent English and a lot of them even speak Swedish since this is taught in their schools. Therefore, communicating will not be a problem in Finland. 

我们希望您现在在斯堪的纳维亚半岛成为外籍人士时,能够更好地了解语言障碍。 因为几乎每个人都能说一口流利的英语,即使你不想学一门新语言,搬到这里也没什么问题。
