Residence permit Denmark

Residence permit Denmark

Permanent Residence, Danish Citizenship, Establishment card and Extension of Danish residence permit.

Countries in the Scandinavia offers some of the best opportunities in education, work, social support, research and development and virtually every aspect of human welfare. These factors make Scandinavian countries be the priority list for  people to seek permanent resident, citizenship or extension of stay. As a result of this, an individual expatriate requires the basic information on processing relevant documents pertaining to their specific requirements as well as the eligibility criteria. offers guidelines on eligibilities and how to process applications for permanent residence, citizenship, establishment, and extension of residence permit. Nonetheless, there is an important disclaimer that some of the guidelines may have variations depending on the nationality of an applicant.

Getting Permanent Residence in Denmark

Subject to other considerations, a person who has been residing in Denmark continuously on a temporary residence for eight years can be granted a permanent residence permit in Denmark. Typically, such applications for permanent residence takes up to 8 months and requires applicant py the fees of processing such permeant residence. According to the European Union however, an individual who can prove legal residence of at least five years in the European country can be granted permanent residence. One only needs to follow through the processes enlisted in New to Denmark which details each and every stage involved in securing permanent residence in Denmark as well as the particular exceptions.

Becoming a Danish Citizen

Being a fully recognized Danish citizen could be the dream of any expatriate who has enjoyed the favourable conditions in the country. However, it is not  through a simple process or sheer luck that one gets such highly coveted status as an expatriate. Due process and pertinent considerations have to be met. A critical part for getting  Danish citizenship is that it requires legal nationalisation. One can become Danish citizen through naturalisation, declaration or birth. People are also allowed to hold dual citizenship in Denmark. The conditions under which an individual gets citizenship in Denmark is always likely to be varied with an aim of meeting the country’s immigration and foreign policies.

Establishment card/ residence in Denmark

Establishment card is one way that allows graduates from Danish institutions to stay longer in Denmark after completion of their studies. Interestingly, a foreign graduate from a Danish education institution can apply for establishment card after competition of each program,. For instance, after completion of master’s and PhD. A previously issued establishment card and completion of a new level of study is adequate reason to apply for another establishment card. The academic attainments provided to support an application should strictly meet the Danish  established card eligibility criteria. One such requirement is that an individual has graduated with a masters or PhD from a Danish university and that the course weight is not less than 60 ECTS.

Extension of residence permit in Denmark

Holders of temporary stay in Denmark can always apply for extension of such residence given that they can provide compelling reasons for it. The various categories of residence in Denmark have particular procedures and requirements for extension. Short stay visa (90days) in the Denmark can also be extended to for reasons such as humanitarian considerations, critical business or personal reasons, and unprecedented extraordinary circumstances such as airline strikes.
