Svalbard-The Arctic Experience


Introducing Svalbard

An archipelago located in the Arctic Ocean, Svalbard was originally a whaling base which then became a coal mining area. The region came under Norwegian rule in the 1920s and is now home to the University Centre in Svalbard, also known by the acronym UNIS. This region is perfect for those who enjoy cold-weather outdoor activities, ranging from boating to snowmobiling and much more. The wildlife, climate, and natural beauty of this region are unparalleled.

Svalbard an exotic and diverse destination that attracts both Norwegian and foreign visitors. Previously, tourists was tempted with hunting both polar bears and walrus . Today the archipelago is perceived with cameras and zoom lenses. In addition, the cruise traffic is large and the traffic is increasing.


A town of about 2,000 people, Longyearbyen is the largest settlement in the Svalbard region. It is a great jumping off point for people who are interested in seeing what the rest of the region has to offer. Guides are available to take travellers around the islands of the Arctic Ocean and showcase some of the fascinating flora and fauna found in the region. This includes exotic wildlife and animals which range from cute to dangerous, including the occasional sight of a polar bear or two.


Because of Svalbard’s unique location in the world and its amazing surroundings, it is home to several major festivals and holidays. This includes Polar Jazz, which an end of January event featuring music from jazz, blues, and bluegrass bands. It also includes a popular art festival called Kunst Pause Svalbard, which occurs in November. In general, individuals staying in the area of Longyearbyen will have an opportunity to take part in each of these festivals, although in some cases some travel to another community might be in order.

Coal Miners’ Cabins

Svalbard spent generations as a coal mining region and still has a lot of that character in it today. The Coal Miners’ Cabins is a friendly hotel and bar that provide tourists with reasonable prices and very high-quality food. The bar has a coal miner theme and provides basic essentials that miners were likely to eat as well as modern conveniences such as burgers and ribs. Those who want a basic, no-frills hotel and restaurant that still provides them with a lot of quality and convenience can explore Svalbard while using this location as a comfortable base.

North Pole Expedition Museum

Svalbard isn’t very far from the North Pole, and many adventurers have taken the opportunity to use this area as a launching place for expeditions to the top of the world. The North Pole Expedition Museum can be found in Longyearbyen and is dedicated to those who have embarked upon this expedition. This includes information on several airships which helped travelers along their journey and a historical look at the various expeditions at the beginning of the 20th century. This is a great way to combine education with the spirit of adventure and is sure to engage everybody in some way.


Svalbard is one of the northernmost places on the planet and one of the most beautiful locations in all of Scandinavia. No trip to Norway would be complete without a journey into this region, and the sites listed above should provide you with plenty of ideas for potential excursions. If you want a peek Click for Svalbard Webcams

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