Top 10 Viking Sites to Explore Around Scandinavia

Are you secretly a history buff with a deep appreciation for mythology? Well, while the Vikings were completely real, their stories are usually hyperbolized and shrouded in myths and mystery. Many of which originated from Scandinavia! So, if this is something you find fascinating, Norway, Sweden, Finland, or Denmark is your best choice for a holiday. Let’s look through our top 10 Viking sites to explore around Scandinavia.

  1. Ribe VikingCenter, Denmark

Travel 1300 years back in time and learn all there is to know about the Viking culture, history, and lifestyle during their time in Denmark territory! The tour includes multiple fun activities, such as learning to cook authentic meals and acquiring knowledge about weaponry and Viking runes.

Viking fireplace
  1. Viking Village Njardarheimr, Norway

A very unique experience awaits you in this beautiful village in Norway! While there are plenty of museums that allow you insight into Viking life, Njardarheimr is a real village with real Vikings of all ages. They thrive on living authentically, as Vikings once did, and tourists are eating it up! By the way, keep in mind that you can navigate through Scandinavia and visit the museums quite easily with the help of!

Viking woman
  1. Life of Viking Museum, Sweden

Settled in the capital city of Sweden, the Life of Viking Museum is an exciting, interactive exhibition full of everything you need to know about the notorious Norsemen. Similar to the one in Denmark, you can learn everything about their way of life, war strategies, and traditions, only in a more refined space. It also includes an 11-minute walk into the dark exhibition hall, showing a more interesting demonstration of the Viking age.

Viking ship
  1. Viking Ship Museum, Norway

Back to Norway! Only this time, let’s forgo everything about the casual day-to-day life and typical life constructs. Instead, this one is all about the ships! Learn of the impressive architecture of the marine vessels and their specific ways of designing and building, and observe some of the most beautiful, elegant, and grand Viking ship models ever.

Another viking ship
  1. Karmoy and Haugesund Settlement, Norway

South West Norway is the perfect place to visit if you want to live out your dream of traveling back in time. The settlement is the perfect replica of a Viking village. Here, you can experience food and festivities that were common during their time and also learn about trading and agriculture. Bring home some great memories and unique knowledge!

Viking axe
  1. Aarhus, Denmark

While this one is not as specified, Aarhus is still a great city to visit if you wish to learn about Vikings. Aside from numerous informational museums, the city was once a Viking settlement site and still has many traits left from that time. While it looks like an ordinary Scandinavian city from the first look, the surroundings are seeping in Viking designs and areas.

Aarhus, Old Town
  1. Birka, Sweden

Birka in Sweden is one of the top places to visit for history lovers. Back in the day, the village was a vital Viking Age trading center, which handled all kinds of goods from all around Scandinavia, and many parts of the rest of Europe, as well. Birka is recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Site, and since its foundation date in AD 750, it has flourished for over 200 years.

Birka village
  1. The Viking Planet, Norway

A more of a modern take on the Viking Age. The Viking Planet interactive museum in Oslo allows you to see the Norse age in a digital style. With the help of VR gadgets and holograms, you can experience the thrill of being caught in a storm on a Viking ship or feel what it was like to be on the Viking expeditions!

Viking ship POV
  1. Lindholm Hoje, Denmark

Overlooking the city of Aalborg, Lindholm Hoje, is a major Viking burial site and a former settlement. While this is a bit of a different experience, it is still very interesting to see the location of fallen warriors. However, there is not all there is to see here! After paying your respects, go check out the nearby Viking houses and roads.

Viking house
  1. Aifur Restaurant, Sweden

After you are done with your explorations in Birka, and other cities, head back to Stockholm. Here, in the Aifur Restaurant, enjoy the real Viking feast, and try out the new flavors! Dining like the strong Norsemen might wake something in you, so do not miss it and enjoy the meal!

Historical cooking

Pack a big bag and plan a thorough itinerary on your way to Scandinavia. There is plenty to see and do here if you wish to learn all there is about the Vikings. So, keep your eyes and ears open and happy exploring!

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Author: Ludvig
Ludvig is the owner and driving force behind A native Norwegian with ties to Denmark, Sweden and Finland, he is the perfect guy to guide you through the delights of Scandinavia.