Why expats should choose Denmark

Why move to Denmark

There are many amazing countries in the world, all competing for your attention. Therefore, picking one to settle down in as an expat can be quite difficult. Today, we will be going through some different reason for why you should choose Denmark as your next destination on your journey as an expat. 

It’s a western country:

This is one of the major reasons for why Denmark is such a great country. We get it, Asia is amazing in its own way but sometimes you just want to live in a western country again. No matter how cheap things are or how amazing the people are, some things are not the same and there is no way around that. If you have lived in Asia for a long time, then perhaps Denmark should be your next destination. 


Western countries are not cheap, that is true. At the same time, Denmark is not that expensive when compared to some other western countries (Switzerland). A lot of things are actually quite affordable, at least when you get out from the main capital of Copenhagen. 

Housing and food are two examples of things that you can get quite cheap. Other examples are transportation. The entire country is built up around cycling. A car is therefore not necessary, you can easily bike to almost every part of this country. If you need to go on a longer journey, trains are very punctual and effective. You can therefore save a lot of money on gas and insurance for your vehicle.  

Quality of life:

I numerous statistics, the Scandinavian countries rank at the top for quality of life and Denmark is no exception. You can enjoy a great quality of life here. The air is clean, the summers are warm and the winters are mild. The people are nice, once you get to know them, and crime is very low. On the whole, Denmark is a great country to live in. 

Another reason for choosing this as your next destination is that it’s fairly easy to get a permeant visa. In many countries, it’s hard to stay for a longer time then a few weeks to months. If you have an income and can prove it, you won’t have much issue getting to stay in Denmark. 

Cheap travel:

Let’s face it. As an expat, you most likely have caught the travel bug. From Denmark, you can reach the entire European continent in a few hours with plane. It’s cheap to. Airlines like Ryanair and Easyjet will take you abroad for cheap. You don’t even have to take a flight! Denmark has great connections with the rest of Europe via train. 

If you love traveling but have a fairly tight budget, Denmark is the perfect country to settle down in. You can also explore their neighbour, Sweden for next to nothing. Just go over the bridge and your there. It doesn’t get much easier than that. 

A taste of Scandinavia:

Scandinavia is like no other place on earth. It’s something you have to discover for yourself to truly understand what we mean by that. Denmark is a great introduction to the Scandinavian way of living. From there you can also travel up to Norway to discover even more about this wonderful place up north. If you’re feeling real brave, a trip to the Faroese Islands might be interesting. This small group of islands will show you what it really means to be Scandinavian with all of our heritage and culture. 

We hope that after reading this you have already booked your flight to Denmark. Of course, you might want some time to consider but we hope to meet you soon. Until then, take care!
