Mobile subscription in Finland


As a newcomer in Finland, nothing makes life more comfortable than the ability to talk to people back at home and the new friends already made. It is almost sure that life in the new country will first appear unbearable. So many times you will curse why you moved to such a cold country where everyone else seems to be so busy with their own life. But, with the correct mobile phone subscription in Finland, you will not only be able to connect to your friends far and wide but also browse the internet to watch videos or programs that keep your days fleeting so fast.

Types of mobile subscriptions in Finland

The nature and type of mobile subscription that you will take when in Finland depends on the intended use. At the end of the day, the services providers in Finland has something for everyone. So it remains your own responsibility to decide which package will best meet your needs. The market for mobile phone subscription in Finland has quite a number of companies which all focus on giving you the best experience. But the charges for a package differ slightly from one subscriber to the other.

In Finland, the first thing you need to do before accessing mobile subscription is to buy a local Finnish sim card. Sometimes people fall into the trap of choosing to roam with their foreign lines in Finland but this is an expensive choice. It will for sure cost you an arm and both legs if you choose to use data roaming. Because every extra coin saved for a foreigner in Finland is just so important, it is advisable that you buy a local sim card. Where do you buy the sim card in Finland?

Buy sim card in Finland

When already in Finland and need to buy a sim card that will perfectly serve your needs, do not look far. Simply walk into the official office of the service provider of interest and buy the sim card. In the event that there is no official office around, just check out at any R-Kioski if they have one ( of course most of the time they stock a variety of sim cards).

You will make a choice on whether you need a prepaid sim card or a post-paid sim card. Whichever the type of sim card you buy will depend on how long you intend to stay in Finland and whether really it makes financial sense for you to sign a contract or just take pay as you go subscriptions. Someone who plans to live in Finland for a long period should ordinarily select post-paid services. A post-paid mobile service will allow you to plan your finances and only get a bill at the end of the month.

A typical Finnish sim card should not be expensive for you. It will cost you an average of between $3-$6. The service providers all work around the clock and adjust their sim card costs to ensure that they bring in as much customers as possible. At the end of the day, the one provider that you choose is all up to you, but you can always change whenever need arises.

Mobile Service providers in Finland

Mobile service providers in Finland are so diverse and offer almost similar but differentiated services. At one go, you will not miss a service provider that appeals to your individual subscription needs. Be it need for home internet, mobile phone data or voice services, there will always be something for you.

In Finland, there are three main mobile service providers from which you can choose. These network providers include  ElisaTelia and DNA. All these subscribers have a good coverage of the country which makes it less complicated about which is the most reliable. You will be able to access 2G and 3G internet connection almost  every part of the country. The providers are also pacing up to provide subscribers access to 5G and 6G as the new developments continue to evolve.

As is expected, all these different mobile phone service providers are in a competition to get more subscribers on their side. Therefore, at any one time, you as the customer is treated the best way possible to win your loyalty. As a matter of necessity, just make sure that the specific services you settle for and the costs that come with them meet your needs both in the long and short term. It is good customer practice not to appear as frustrating the agents by unnecessary complaints all the time. Nonetheless, it is the responsibility of the service provider to make sure you are comfortable.

Costs of Mobile Subscription in Finland.

The  actual costs that will be attached to your internet or voice subscriptions in Finland vary from one provider to another as well as you individual needs. In case you are interested in making a subscription for your private use, the cost is obviously relatively cheaper than if it’s for business purposes. The provider will as a good practice present to you all the possible alternatives for you. Just remember that the provider will not choose for you the best option; they will just suggest.

On average, it costs up to 15.5 euros per month on mobile phone subscription in Finland. Honestly, this is a cost you must be ready to meet because we are living in a fast paced information and communication age. You must match up when living in Finland; a country ranked as the happiest globally.
