The Danish Wedding Customs


Generally, Danes can be very cold people-most first timers in the country think so. It can really take a while before a Danish opens up to and share intimate issues with strangers. So, when arriving in Denmark for the first time, it really requires tactics that will make one feel comfortable and less out of place. Attending a Danish wedding or the many social events that they usually organise such as church confirmation, birthdays or such kind of get together ca be a short cut around the struggle to integrate.

Using a Danish wedding here, we give interesting details that may intrigue first timers in Denmark. Through reading this bit, at least one gets to appreciate the utility and dynamics of the Danish culture. To say the least, Danes are complicated in their own way, yet so simple. It takes a little bit of patience and learning to be on the loop when it gets to Danish customs and ceremonies.

Customs and Culture define a people, so are the Danes

Customs and beliefs exist everywhere across the globe. Therefore, just like the other nations, Denmark has its wedding traditions different from the world and even the Viking weddings. A wedding ceremony is a complicated affair as a lot of emphasis is laid out by society.

As much as weddings are complex, they are good as they give the newly wedded individuals the chance of starting their families. Also, at weddings, families and friends come together in showing concern, unity, and love for the groom and the bride. Some of the Danish wedding customs include wedding dress, kiss, veil tearing, reception, groom’s socks, and the bride and the groom dance.

The Wedding Dress

In Denmark, the bride puts on a white wedding dress as well as a veil. Besides, the bride has to put on something in red symbolizing it wards off evil spirits and love in Denmark. However, the groom is the one in charge of choosing and purchasing the bridal bouquet.

The Bride’s Shoes

The groom is not in charge of buying the bride’s wedding shoes. She has to do that by herself. Moreover, after the wedding, they should not be sold. They have to be treasured and kept as heirlooms in the house.

The Groom and His Socks

As I said earlier, traditions differ from one community to the other. Therefore, as much as some wedding traditions do not need the bride to have socks, among the Danes, it is a requirement. During the wedding, the groom is lifted up in the air by the wedding guests while his socks toes are cut off. According to the Danish people, the practice gives the bride the first chore of repairing the socks of the husband.

The Bride Price

Bride price is when the groom’s family pay the future in laws before the marriage begins. Weddings are just unique, thus, in Denmark, there is no issue such as dowry or bride price. There is no exchange or even reciprocal exchange of assets among the families.

Gate of Honour

On the day of the wedding, an archway called ‘gate of honour’ is placed on the bride’s home door. It is usually made from flowers and pine branches. The preparation is done by the family members as well as friends. Such a moment is usually re-developed on the 25th Wedding anniversary.

The Ceremony

A wedding ceremony in Denmark can be held in a town hall or church. The bride, as well as the father, are the last individuals to arrive at the ceremony. Moreover, after the wedding, rice is usually thrown at the individuals who are newly wedded. It symbolizes fertility.

The Bride and the Groom Dance

The bride dance is a waltz and the Danes believe that “brudevals” should be danced before midnight approaches. The waltz’s music is from an 1854 folk tale by Niels Wilhelm Gade who was a Danish composer. As the couple dance, the guests surround them. With time, they slowly get close to the couple in time so that they may kiss after the Waltz.

The groom dance is performed after the waltz. In it, all the male guests take off their socks. The best man at the wedding is in charge of cutting the end of his socks. The tradition has two meanings. The first one is stopping the groom from being interested in other women. The other one is for the wife to repair the socks in proving she is a good wife.

The Wedding Cake

The Dane’s traditional wedding cake is “kransekage.” It is a tower of almond paste cookie rings and decorated with small Danish flags. However, in case this is not a good cake for you then you may choose a cornucopia cake made with sugar paste, marzipan, and almonds. In addition, its shaped as a horn and decorated using sweets and fresh fruits. Every guest that attended the wedding had to take a slice. If they do not then it may symbolize that the couple will have a bad marriage.

Wedding Kisses

In Danish traditions, kisses play an important role during the wedding. For instance, any time the guests tap their knives on their plates then it is an indication that the newlyweds should kiss. Also, in case they clink their glasses, it is an indication that the groom and the bride should stand on chairs and kiss.

There is stamping and when the guest commences stamping on the floor, the other guests join her or him. The bride and the groom will then hide under the table and kiss. Any time when the groom goes away from the room, the men have to kiss the bride. On the other hand, if the bride goes from the room, then the female guest rush and kisses the groom.

The reception

The toastmaster manages the reception. At the wedding reception, several speeches are made. However, it is the bride’s father that commences as others follow. In such moments, there is a lot of laughing and singing. Besides, Danish people are very funny. For some of the famous songs, they do change them so that they can relate to the newlyweds. You do not have to worry if you do not know the songs. The Danish being caring and friendly people, the lyrics are usually printed and given to all the guests so that everyone can sing along.

Veil Tearing

Have you heard veil tearing before? It may sound bad but that is one of the traditions of the Danish. As much as most brides across the world adore their veils, in Denmark, the bride’s veil is ripped up during the reception. At the wedding, the bride puts on the veil in protecting her from the evil spirits. Afterward, the guest tears it up and takes a piece as a symbol of good luck. Using the veil, the guest makes a wish for the groom and the bride then ties a piece in the car.
