The Pulpit Rock (Preikestolen)

The Pulpit Rock/Preikestolen in Stavanger

The Athelete’s Choice

The Pulpit Rock, which plunges 604 meters into the Lysefjord in the county of Rogaland, is one of Norway’s biggest tourist attractions.  It is the most famous attraction and scenic experience in the region.  The Pulpit Rock is a mountain plateau that offer the most spectacular photographic opportunities and have been top-ranked by several destination guides.

The hike to this rock formation, that hangs above the bay, is a wonderful nature experience and a highlight on a visit to the Stavanger region. It formed by frost in the time when the glacier lay at and just above the seat, around 10,000 years ago. Water froze in crevices and blew away large angular blocks that the glacier transported away.

“Aye! Ye look ov’er theire…harr”

The Pulpit became a tourist destination around year 1900. Initially the locals named the formation “Hyvlatånnå” (the razor-sharp tooth). The gymnast, Thomas Peter Randulff, was travelling up the Lysefjord with the steamship “Oscar II”. When the captain of the boat pointed against this special rock formation high above the fjord, and said to the spectators “This resembles a pulpit!” , the athelete Randulff quickly determined he would walk up to the mountaintop. It was the start of tourist traffic to the Pulpit Rock.

Panoramic View

The “Preikestolen fjellstue” is a mountain lodge that is located at the beginning of the trail and is easily accessible by bus or by car. The lodge has received much international attention for its stunning architecture. Here you’ll find several possibilities for accommodation and a restaurant, and they offer a wide variety of organized events. (Find out more)

The hike itself follow a marked trail from the mountain lodge. It is important to be aware that the walk at times can be physically demanding.  The terrain is hilly with an altitude difference of 350 m. There are water basins (to take a refreshing bath) and picnic areas along the trail. The mountain hike is ca. 6 km and takes about 4 hours back and forth.  Remember that this is a great nature experience. People who have walked up to Pulpit Rock feel that they have made an achievement.

When you are on the plateau at the top, a magnificent panoramic view reveals itself to you. So do not forget to rest. Remember: Warm clothes, sturdy footwear (hiking boots) and a packed lunch!

Google Street View

In 2015, the Pulpit Rock launched on google street view, so you can see the truly spectacular view from a safe distance. With Street View, people from around the world get a feel for the wonderful experience and views the Pulpit offer, and you maybe even be inspired to add Norway to the holiday wish list. With the current Street View-launch, the Pulpit has become part of an exclusive club, which already include the pyramids of Giza, the world’s tallest building, Burj Khalifa, the inside and outside of Scott’s hut in Antarctica and the underwater around the Galapagos Islands.

Getting there:

From April through September the bus departure several times daily in both directions. The bus corresponds with ferry departures from “Fiskepirterminalen” in Stavanger. You’ll have an open ticket and can select the departure that suits you. (follow this link for more information)

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