Stavanger city

Stavanger city

Stavanger city Stavanger city is one of the larger cities in the beautiful country of Norway, and some 127,000 people call it home. What’s more, it is at the hub of the oil, gas, and energy industries in Norway, making it the perfect place to enjoy not only fine dining, but also luxury hotels and … Read more

The Pulpit Rock (Preikestolen)

The Pulpit Rock/Preikestolen in Stavanger

The Athelete’s Choice The Pulpit Rock, which plunges 604 meters into the Lysefjord in the county of Rogaland, is one of Norway’s biggest tourist attractions.  It is the most famous attraction and scenic experience in the region.  The Pulpit Rock is a mountain plateau that offer the most spectacular photographic opportunities and have been top-ranked … Read more