Summer in Scandinavia

Summer in Scandinavia

When you are considering moving to Scandinavia as an expat you will hear a lot about our cold and horrid winters. What you will not hear as much about is our summers. In this article we will be talking about the Scandinavian summers to hopefully entice you to come visit. 

It is Warmer Than you Think

The summers here in Scandinavia can actually get fairly warm. Temperatures upwards of 30 degrees Celsius are fairly common, at least some days. This is all because of the gulf stream bringing hot air even to the north of Scandinavia. If you come here in the summer, you really should pack your swimwear. You are going to need it. 

Scandinavians Open up in the Summer

In the winters, the cities in Scandinavia can feel empty. Everyone sits at home and only go out when they need to. That all changes when the first heat arrives in spring. Everyone ventures out into the sunlight and restaurants start putting out their tables again. Spring and summer are when we recharge our batteries to get ready for the long, dark, winter months ahead.

The sun Keeps Shining

Depending on where you are the sun might never go down completely. This is called midnight sun and it happens in the north of Scandinavia. Then sun shines, even in the middle of the night. Further south the sun will set but often times it is still light by 01:00. The sun then rises around 05:00 so not many hours of darkness. If you love sun, Scandinavia is certainly a place you are going to love. There is not other way of putting it. 

Celebrate Midsummer

If you come here as an expat you will get a chance to celebrate midsummer. This is without a doubt a tradition that seems very weird for foreigners, but we do not care! In midsummer, it is tradition that you dance around the “midsummer pole” and sing. Then everyone gets really drunk and do things they are going to regret the next day.

A lovely tradition that we have celebrated ever since the Vikings roamed our lands. Granted, it has changed a bit, we no longer make sacrifices to the gods for example, but many parts are still the same. If you can, try to be invited to a real midsummer party. We promise that it will be an experience to remember. 

Go for a Swim

In Scandinavia, people love going for a swim when the weather permits it. The water might be cold but that is part of the charm. No summer in Scandinavia is complete without a swim in the ocean or in a lake. While you are at the lake, why not pick up some ice cream? Scandinavia might not be Italy but that does not mean our ice cream tastes bad. Far from it in fact. 

Visit Smultronstället

If you are ever in Sweden during summer, you have to visit Smultronstället. This is the no1 ice cream restaurant in all of Sweden. And yes, we just called it a restaurant. They serve a vide assortment of ice creams and you are sure to find something that you will love. The other great thing about Smultronstället is that you will never complain about getting to little ice cream.

In fact, many swedes skip both breakfast and lunch in anticipation for their visit here. If you want to share your ice cream with your entire family, there is an option for that to. Just order “Colosseum.” Trust us, you will not be disappointed. 

We hope that this article has made you excited about visiting Scandinavia during the summer months. It really is a great place to be. 
