Queen Margrethe II of Denmark


The recent death of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom captured headlines and drew world attention to her funeral. The queen was one of the most prominent figures in the UK Monarchy that operates side by side with the elected government. This hybrid system of monarchy and democracy still remains a practice in other countries of the world, Denmark is one. The Queen of Denmark who maintains a lowkey life influences the country in her own ways. Maybe it is the right time we dissect the enduring Danish Monarchy

The Danish monarchy is among the oldest in the world. Currently, the kingdom is headed by Queen Margrethe II. Ideally, her lineage can be traced back more than a thousand years to the King said to have lived around the year 900. To date, the Danish monarchy has remained the symbol of Danish cultures, traditions and their political history. It plays a symbolic role both at home and abroad. Within Denmark, the monarchy has the responsibility of welcoming good causes and welcoming foreign leaders at the high-profile state dinners. They also conduct regular visits to both the Faroe Islands and Greenland, which form an integral component of the Kingdom of Denmark.

Majority of Danes admire the royal family and this is evident through the large following observed through the media. Outside the country’s borders, the monarchy under the leadership of Queen Margrethe II heads the delegations that promote both Danish products and businesses abroad. While the queen has the responsibility in promoting such functions, there is little that is known about her. In this article, I will provide some interesting facts about the Queen of Denmark.

Queen Margrethe II Nickname is Daisy

Regardless of what people say about the royalty institution, it is evident that nearly all Danes highly regard Queen Margrethe II. The year 2022 marks 50 years since the queen first ascended onto the throne. Most people know her by the name Margrethe, which has its French version of Marguerite and translates to Daisy. In fact, her third cousin Queen Elizabeth of England used to call her by that name. At the eve of every New Year, many streets of Denmark will go quiet as Daisy gives her televised speech to the Danes. If you’re a frequent listener to such occasions, you will realize that her speeches are full of words of kindness, environmental stewardship and philanthropy.

Queen Margrethe II Designs her own Clothes

One of the most entertaining facts about the queen is that she is her own designer. In fact, the Queen’s taste for the un-Danishly bright colours is unmatched. Additionally, she doesn’t love the Teleprompter to speak. Occasionally, you will find her notecards disarranged and thus will attempt to sort them in order even in the midst of her speech. Interestingly, her assistants have recently convinced her to use the stapler at least to keep them together for easier reading.  

Unmatched Artistic Interests

Other than being the head of state as well as the Danish church, Queen Margrethe II is an artist. During her early days as a young woman, she involved herself in various activities such as painting, drawing and also designed the stage sets for the Royal Ballet. Ideally, some of her artistic works are kept in the museum both in Denmark and abroad. A closer look at her landscapes would reveal that they are delicate and minimalist. In the same way, she is able to design lavish collages as well as abstract paintings. Some of her arts were displayed a decade ago at the famous Arken Museum in Copenhagen.

Queen Margrethe II, the coolest queen Denmark has ever had

Queen Margrethe II has been described as one of the coolest leaders throughout continental Europe. At her personal level, Margrethe II is not much concerned about conventions. She provides a presentation of being a populist monarch. Her wardrobe collection is always seen during the official parades, where she likes to wrap herself within the sweeping robes. It is thus evident that the Queen’s sense of beauty is well-defined. During her young age, the queen maintained her deep interests in archaeology and painting. Her tremendous sense of inner quest as a young woman propelled her towards pursuing her passion in arts, ballet and philosophy.

Queen Margrethe II speaks at least 5 languages

The queen is among the best orators within the Kingdom of Denmark. She has been able to display these skills during her official speeches in state functions as well as at the eve of every New Year. She is fluent in English, Danish, German, Norwegian and Swedish.

Bottom Line

Besides her role as a constitutional monarch, Queen Margrethe II is a symbol of Danish culture, both home and abroad. Considering the queen’s love of the arts, don’t be surprised that she is also famous for peculiar sense of dressing. She remains one of the best leaders Denmark has ever had. Her leadership has taught us important virtues in life such as kindness, environmental stewardship and philanthropy. Humanity needs to embrace the queen’s teaching.  
