Tips for Getting a Job in Denmark

Work in denmark

Getting at least a starting job in Denmark as fast as possible is the desire of every immigrant. At the point of deciding to move to Denmark, people re always unsure how things will unfold. Top in the list of worries is the possibility of not getting a source of income or taking way too long to land a first job. In case it takes a bit longer to find work, anxiety quickly sets in and may destroy the otherwise good stay in Denmark.

Needless to say, there is always dignity in work. True to this statement, there no better place to experience dignity of work than in Denmark. Generally, Denmark is an urban country which means that much of the population live in cities and towns.

Generally, in Denmark you will have to pay so many bills in a month. Because of this, only a steady flow of income from a reliable work will save keep you afloat.

Tech and computer skills are so much in demand in Denmark

You will have to get yourself up, look for a job and work so that your life in Denmark becomes bearable. Luckily, Denmark has different categories of work for professionals, semi-skilled and unskilled people.The economy is structured in such a way that everyone, provided that they are able to  show up and be committed to offer their labour, get work. 

What Jobs are Available in Denmark

Luckily, in Denmark, anyone who is willing to work and actually has the energy for it never misses what to do. Denmark is to say the least, a melting pot of career and job opportunities for anyone willing to start life in the country. The job opportunities in Denmark can be found in various industries but mainly in agriculture, technology, research, business and general service sector.

Farming is highly valued in Denmark which means that getting a job as a farm worker does not mean you are at the bottom of the social pyramid as may be the case in developing countries. Other industries that are thriving and offer employment are green energy solutions, information science and technology, business and logistics, digitalisation, engineering, construction and health.

Generally, irrespective of your level of education, you will always find something to do in Denmark. However, it may be challenging to move to Denmark for work if you do not have any demonstrable skill or knowledge that will support the broad-based economy. 

Tricks about Getting a first Job in Denmark

People who have experienced with Denmark will easily tell you that it may not be easy to hack getting a first job. You just need to get the tactics on how to meander through the not so easy work environment. In order to ease the job search and start earning your salary as soon as possible when you start life in Denmark, its a priority that you create networks and aggressively make applications.

Denmark is a country where the fact that you are competent in your field alone may not guarantee you work. The employers are very keen to check the track record of the people they employ which means that referees must give good comments about you.

If you happen to have rubbed your former employer the wrong way then it becomes unfortunate because the prospective employer will reach out randomly to your former bosses listed in your list of referees. 

The easiest way that works for new or repeat job hunters in Denmark is referrals. The Danish employers value referrals since they at least have someone who can vouch for your abilities. It means that when you are looking for a job in Denmark, you do not want to dismiss anyone you have an encounter with.

Although Danes are generally cold people, quite a number are open to tell you what they do, where they work and many more. Such opportunities are golden for a job seeker to establish a network and get connections. 

Being choosy about Jobs to take in Denmark

It is human nature to aspire to be on the top of a career ladder at the shortest opportunity. Ambitions sometimes run so high and you will want to be that executive, recognised engineer, consultant and many more.

While these ambitions are tenable in Denmark, you must be flexible enough to trust humble beginnings. Humble start of a career in Denmark does not necessarily mean that you submit to jobs below your qualifications but just giving yourself time to understand how things happen.

When you give yourself time to know the general expectations of employers and the nature of employment, it becomes easy to chart a path forward for sure. This approach should not be misunderstood to mean that people should stoop low in their job search.

If you are lucky to find a job that completely matches your profile and career expectations, good luck. 

Expectations of Employers in Denmark

Efficiency and targets are important goals of any employer in Denmark. Every employer wants the targets set to be achieved within set standards. Each company works with strict standards that must be met; for this reason, none of them will tolerate shoddy work.

The simple principle is to pay a handsome salary for good work done. In principle, an average employer in Denmark will give living hourly rates for the work you do for them and in return expect you to deliver the highest possible value.

It does not matter whether you are a cleaner, distributor, factory worker, ICT personnel, technical or whatever job. With the minimum hourly wages set for different industries, your labour is safeguarded against any forms of exploitation whatsoever. The labour safeguards in Denmark leaves the employer to always expect the highest reciprocal labour. 

Job sites for work in Denmark 

The digital achievements in Denmark makes it easy for someone to check out available jobs on the websites. Job sites in Denmark list all the jobs that employers have registered on a second to second basis. Here, you can filter out which jobs you want or just view all the available ones. From the long list, you can never miss something that is interesting to you.

The job sites come in Danish or English. It is likely that the jobs listed in a website whose default language is Danish will require that you as a job seeker be able to speak reasonable Danish.

Some job sites like Job net will allow you to fill out your biography and attach attestations which is used to match you with job adverts. Whenever a matching job comes up, the website sends a notification to ether your email or phone. 

Apply for jobs in Denmark 

Getting a job in Denmark requires you to not only be aware about the company and what it does but also a good application.

For your job application to stand out, you will have to structure it in such a way that the employer can easily relate the expectations of the job and your skills.

Denmark is a country where knowledge counts in getting a job but abilities relevant to the tasks make you stand out.

Employers in Denmark know that most job applicants are tempted to use attractive language to describe their personality which is why they give premium to what someone can actually do.

Once you identify a possible employer, send out a customised application whether solicited or unsolicited.

Depending on how much you set yourself as able to contribute to the organisational goals, the employer may just be moved to give you a chance. 

A good C.V for work in Denmark 

A properly written and structured C.V/Resume makes it easy for a Danish employer to pick important details on your knowledge and skills just at a glance.

You do not wish to write unnecessary details which may turn out to be just fluff in the eyes of the recruitment panel.

Your C.V should be in such a way that it speaks well about you concisely and precisely. As you can understand, you will not have a chance to defend your abilities before the recruitment panel if your C.V does not convince the employers.

It is important to structure the C.V in such a way that the tasks performed in previous jobs are relatable to what you intend to work on.

The content of the C.V should show that notwithstanding the nature of the new assignment, you are capable of delivering on targets. 

Job interview in Denmark

Denmark is a considerably casual country which may make you assume that the whole recruitment is just as casual. This is not the case. The interviewers may show up dressed in casual attire but this should not be mistaken that the process is less serious.

As a good practice, you will need to put up a first impression of professionalism. A decent clothing without necessarily overdressing will convince the employers of your seriousness for the job.

At the interview, be ready to be asked questions that test your problem solving and functional abilities.

Your personality and attitude towards work should also stand out. As much as possible, you will require to be very deliberate and forthright with your answers instead of making too long and unnecessary statements.

I would advise anyone having a planned interview to adequately take time and prepare. Preparing for the interview will prevent you from being tossed off balance by the sometimes critical interview questions. 
