Loans in Finland


Loans in Finland is probably one of the interesting pieces of information for any newcomer. By now, it is known that Finland ranks as the happiest country in the entire world. To experience this happiness which Finland has to offer, having enough finances comes handy.

Worried about missing paying some pressing bill or not having enough money to buy that sleek watch for your loved one? Loans in Finland will get this sorted out for you.

With a loan in Finland, you can literally get enough to pay for what you need as long as you are qualified for it.

Thinking about loans in Finland does not mean that things will go awfully wrong to throw you off your budget, no. But as anyone may guess, sometimes stuff happen and you get squeezed in between a financial hard place and a rock. At such moments, you will only seek help where it is easy ,convenient and safe…that is loans.

Get Loans in Finland

The Finnish financial sector is well developed with different types of lenders from which you can borrow. In fact, different from borrowing in the past which involved  filling so many documents just to secure a loan, the case is different in Finland. Depending on which amount of loan you want and for what purpose, you can get a loan advanced to you by both public and private  lenders at the go or in just a single day.

The considerations that you will always make before deciding which lender to go for will mostly depend on which type of loan you want. Loan categories may be  in the form of asset financing, personal loan or business loan. Each of these types of loans can be accessed from lenders in Finland. Of course each type of loan comes with its own requirements in terms of processing time, important collateral security, interests levied, refinancing et cetera.

Even though each type of loan has its own requirements, it is almost guaranteed that the process of getting a loan in Finland is pretty short straightforward uneasy.

Sources of Loans in Finland

Probably now, everyone knows why getting a loan in Finland or at least knowing where to get them from in case shit happens is good enough. If iits not as yet clean enough, lets make a homerun with it. Imagine you see this sleek car and wish to buy it, at the moment, you are only a few  Euros shy of getting it. Better still, think of that bad month that your expenses have stretched beyond normal and it becomes necessary to seek out for some more Euros to foot the balance. These two situations are just but a tip of situations that may send you scampering for the next available lender in Finland.

In Finland, almost everyone has a living wage which means that at any one time, it is possible to prove ability to refinance a loan if granted. In any case, some of the lenders, especially those that  give loans to meet daily expenses to don’t require any security. They work on the assumption of good will and good intent from you as a borrower.

The lenders in Finland are varied but typically include banks, mobile phone lenders, mortgage financiers and property financers. Interestingly, mainstream financial institutions, specifically banks in Finland have tried to make access to loans easy through creation and operation of mobile phone lending apps. So there isn’t much hassle in getting loans in Finland provided that you meet the stated eligibility requirements.

Popular lenders in Finland include bunq, ferratum, Nordea,  and Bank of Finland. There are also a few financial institutions which are coming up to create a loaning facility especially for low volume consumer credits. As a point of information, anyone in need of quick and easy to access loans in Finland should always first check the terms and conditions of each lender before deciding which of them suits meets the bill.

Process of Getting a Loan in Finland

The process involved in getting a loan in Finland varies from one lender to the next. Nonetheless, it is always designed to be short enough not bore you as a borrower. In most cases, financial institutions that offer loans will typically ask only the questions that are relevant and helpful.

Lenders in Finland will quickly assess whether you really meet the requirements for getting a loan from them so that you don’t keep waiting in futility. Generally, how long it takes and the nature of information required when processing your loan request in Finland will depend on the amount, stated purpose for taking the loan, your income and identification details. If all these are available and can be proved, the process becomes even faster and pretty straightforward.

The general requirements for getting a loan in Finland is similar to any other lender. Key in the process is the lenders need to prove your identity as a borrower and know ability to finance the loan as agreed. The common requirements or checks that lenders will consider include;

  • Your income
  • Identity/residence status in Finland
  • Amount of loan applied
  • Credit worthiness/credit history
  • Guarantors (mostly for large sums of loans for property financing)

Possible Loan Amounts in Finland

At this point you now understand that it is really possible and not odd to apply for loans in Finland. So now you are wondering how much loan can be advanced to you at any given time by the available reputable lenders in Finland.

While most personal loans in Finland do not have a lot of restrictions on how much you can borrow because they are generally low volume, large borrowings will involve a lot of checks. As a general practice, lenders in Finland will check your income to decide if really you are in a position to repay the loan.  

Big lenders in Finland will check to make sure that not more than one third of your monthly net income is spent on housing expenses. Therefore, a representative will be appointed to take care of you and explain the nitty gritty. Normally, the lender representative who will handle you shall tell you that aside from daily expenses and refinancing the loan, it is a good idea to still have something left as a “buffer” each month to take care of any unexpected expenditure.

Interest Rates on Loans in Finland

The interest rates charged on loans issued by lenders in Finland varies depending on the reasons for taking the loan and how much is advanced to you are a borrower. The common categories of interest rates in loans include consumer credit, housing and other loans.

Consumer loans in Finland averages at 4.5%, housing loans at under 1% and between 1.5% and 2% on other loans. The interests charged on the loans will be a significant consideration to make before choosing the best lender.
