Bergen-The City of Rainbows


Bergen city is probably among the most known  and visited cities in Norway. This city is one of the most historic cities in all of Europe, Bergen was founded in the 11th century and is a place filled with natural beauty and Norwegian culture.

Bergen city is known for its fish markets, surrounding mountains, and nearby fjords. With a little over a quarter of million people in the city, Bergen is the second-largest city in Norway, but it still has a lot of space and rural charm. Picturesque and breathtaking, this region is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Norway.

A popular area for hipsters is the street Skostredet. The street is a bit off the usual tourist track, has a very casual atmosphere, and is home to several niche shops with clothes and local art.


A tourist village that is home to only a few hundred permanent residents, Geiranger nonetheless sees hundreds of thousands of tourists come through every year thanks to cruises that run through the area during the summer season. Geiranger is home to five hotels and ten different camping areas. The community lies near several gorgeous fjords as well as multiple historic farms, giving it something for everybody as long as there is interest in exploring the local history and culture.

Bergen Market Square

For those who want to see a slice of Bergen life while also exploring what the community has to offer tourists, Bergen’s Market Square is a bustling area that has been the center of activities in the community for more than seven centuries. If you plan to go there, your best bet is to go early in the day when many local fishermen are out landing their catches. In a lot of cases, the fishermen will bring their freshly caught fish directly to market, giving you a chance to take home some of the best and freshest food that you will ever experience.

Mount Floyen

Bergen has seven major mountains in its region, but Mount Floyen is the most frequently visited of the seven thanks to the fact that it has an easily accessible travel system that can transport visitors from the very center of Bergen all the way 320 meters up the mountain. The total height of the mountain is 425 meters at its highest point, leaving plenty of hiking for those who are interested in testing their skills. For those who just want to enjoy the view, they can get off at that point and look out over a huge portion of Norway’s natural beauty. If you want to check out the view from a safe height, scroll down to the end of this page for webcam.

Escape Bryggen

If you want a challenge that can’t be discovered anywhere else, Escape Bryggen provides you with something unlike any other experience you have likely had. This is a human-sized maze that presents a simple challenge: escape the room you find yourself in. Well-designed and with many challenging twists and turns, this maze stymies many people, bringing them back again and again until they figure it out. Even if you figure your way out of one room, there are others to keep the challenge going.

Bergen is one of Norway’s most popular tourist areas, with amazing landscapes and many different places in the city to visit. If you can only choose one place in Norway to visit, you should make sure that you give some serious consideration to Bergen.
