Limits set for Holders of Temporary Residence Permit in Denmark 


Every year, people do all they can and actually manage to find their way to Denmark. You can imagine the high profile that Denmark has as the second happiest country globally after Finland is a great pull factor. Whether for studies, research, work, accompanying family, family reunification, it is undoubted that Denmark receives expats every other day. 

More information on ways to immigrate  to Denmark are found here

Upon arriving in Denmark basically as a foreigner, you get registered in the central population register and are initially issued with a CPR number and a residence permit. A walk through on entering Denmark legally can be accessed here

When issued with a residence card and CPR number, you are rightly on the path towards a possible permanent residence or citizenship in Denmark. Actually, most people who won citizenship in Denmark trace their story to having started with a temporary residence which then became a permanent resilience before meeting the requirements for citizenship in Denmark. However, each residence status in Denmark comes with a whole list of dos and don’ts. Only, I mean only if you play by the rules set out and do not offend the social system as envisaged in Denmark, do you have a chance to become a citizen. 

Assuredly, you as a holder of temporary or permanent residence in Denmark has a limit to what is permissible. In the unfortunate event that you overstep the set out guidelines for your kind of residence, the laws will catch up and it is never so interesting. 

Immigrating to Denmark from abroad

Given the level and degree of opportunities available for people of all ages interested in coming to Denmark. There is much more connecting to coming to Denmark other than just boarding a plane and settling. Much information is necessary for knowing including work and residence permits. All these are however inclusive in the Danish visa.

Relocation to Denmark is somehow quite a rigorous process for individuals from non-EU states thus the need to apply for a visa. Denmark offers the necessary guidelines on the eligibility and how to process either your residence or your work permit. However, this will probably depend on your nationality. For the people from EU member states, the process is hustle-free.

Foreigners from non-Nordic or non-EU states are required to hold a residence permit before entering Denmark. Residence permits are in some occasions issued based on individual qualifications and the Danish labour market considerations. Nonetheless, the Danish government has schemes to allow the highly skilled expats to obtain residence permits easily. The popular scheme is Positive List for Skilled Work in Demark.

Obtaining a Temporary Residence Permit for Denmark

Through the Danish Immigration Service or Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration website start your application process. This will however depend on your current location. 

You may also have to submit your application physically at the Danish representation office. If you are already in Denmark then submit your temporary residence application at any local SIRI branch. With the correct procedure, getting residence permit in Denmark processed is without a hassle. If everything is in order, your permit will be out within 1-3 months depending on your case.

A foreigner who has been granted a temporary residence, is legally allowed to stay in Denmark for a given duration. The duration of stay ranges from 90days up to 5years. Once you become a holder of a temporary residence permit in Denmark, there are however some things you are not allowed to do. 

What I Can Do as a Temporary Residence Permit Holder in Denmark

A residence permit gives you the holder a right to live in Denmark as a foreigner. But it is true that before you obtain it you must have proved your identity to enter Denmark. A Danish temporary residence permit gives more rights than a visa and during its validity period you could do various things. 

Yes, you can live in Denmark, purchase certain properties including real estate. As a temporary resident permit holder, you are likely to miss your family that you left back home. And so, with your temporary permit, you can easily cross the border for an unlimited time to see family back at home or attend to urgent issues. However, the 183-day rule is very applicable. 

Denmark offers the best education with very high-quality education services and resources. Temporary residence permit holders have the authority to access any public or even private institutions to study and obtain medical services. Besides, you can also do business freely, get a driver’s licence and even purchase a car.

The immigration law of Denmark may however revoke your temporary residence permit in case the holder gets involved in certain activities. There are certain limitations and regulations of Denmark that apply to temporary residence permit retention or revocation.

What I cannot do as a Holder of a Temporary Residence Permit in Denmark  

A temporary residence permit in Denmark does not fetch you the right to live permanently in Denmark. If by any chance you stay for a much longer time or forever, then you will have to apply for a permanent residence permit. As a foreigner in Denmark with a temporary residence permit, you do not have maximum rights and privileges. 

With a temporary residence permit you do not have a right to work in the Danish civil service. Also, as a temporary permit holder you are not able to vote or participate in any Danish elections. Working as a civil servant has its exclusive benefits just in the same way participating in elections is. It is quite unfortunate that a temporary residence permit limits you from enjoying such privileges. 

A temporary residence permit, limits your right to visit countries with which the state of the residence permit has an agreement on a visa-free regime. With a Danish temporary residence permit, you don’t have a right to visit EU countries and the Nordic countries without a visa.

Moreover, as much as you can to travel to your home country or any other country, it is not like when with permanent residence. A temporary Danish residence permit allows you to move around but of course you are limited by the 183-day rule. 

If you hold a temporary residence permit you are able to work in Denmark with a work permit or visa. However, you are limited from working in any position in any private company of your choice. The full enjoyment of benefits and social benefits available to the citizens of Denmark is limited to you. 

Revocation and Cancellation of a Residence Permit in Denmark

The Directorate of Immigration Denmark has a mandate to revoke a temporary residence permit. This may happen in the case where you have given wrong and misleading information in your application. Accurate and honest information is a prerequisite to the granting of a permit. 

When you are issued with a temporary residence permit, there are certain conditions you are expected to meet. In a case where a temporary residence permit holder fails to meet the conditions necessary, their permit can be revoked. In addition, a revocation is sometimes necessary because it is in accordance with Danish administrative procedures.

Basically, what it means for a residence permit to be revoked is to have a previously issued residence permit revoked. What this would mean for a Danish temporary residence permit holder is that they will no longer be allowed to stay in Denmark.

Revocation of a residence permit on the grounds of issuing false, wrong information, or concealing vital information is a common occurrence. In this case, your legal status as an applicant will appear that you have never been issued with a residence permit. 

Any attempt to make another application will be treated as new and a first-time attempt. You will then be required to leave Denmark and submit all the required documents that meet all the necessary conditions. Everything will be treated as a first attempt.
