Viking Ship Museum


Viking Ship Museum

Located in Oslo, the Viking Ship Museum is a part of Norway’s Museum of Cultural History at the University of Oslo. This is one of the largest collections of Viking ships and other pieces of Nordic culture in the world, making it a must-view site for anybody who wants to see some Viking artifacts first-hand. Many people plan their getaway to Norway specifically so they can view this museum, although there are plenty of additional sites to behold in the Oslo region as well.

The Viking Ship Museum is a part of the University of Oslo’s Museum of Cultural History. Although the rest of the museum is generally less popular than the Viking Ship Museum, there is still a lot here to offer tourists. This becomes especially true for anybody interested in the history of the Scandinavian people. The Museum of Cultural History is the largest museum of its type in all of Norway and a perfect accompaniment to anybody who is already planning a trip to see the Viking ships.


More than 1,000 years old and both the economic and political heart of Norway, Oslo is the home of the Viking Ship Museum and other major attractions. The University of Oslo, which houses both the Museum of Cultural History and the Viking Ship Museum, is a large campus with a great deal of historical significance in and of itself. Oslo is the place to go in Norway if you enjoy shopping, sampling the dozens of different local restaurants and pubs, or simply enjoying the benefits that a large city with so much cultural significance has.

Aker Brygge

Somebody visiting the Viking Ship Museum can’t spend all their time looking over ancient vessels, and the Aker Brygge district provides you with diversions galore. Lined with modern architecture, this area has more than 33 different shops of varying types. Whether you want to purchase some local cuisine for the evening or find the perfect souvenir to bring home with you, Aker Brygge is a great place to visit. You can plan a day here or take a quick trip while exploring the rest of the wonders that Oslo has to offer.


If you want to see the world the way the Vikings did, you should take a visit to the Oslofjord, which is a part of the Skagerrak Strait that connects the North and Baltic Seas. Technically, the Oslofjord is a bit of a misnomer, since it is not strictly a geological fjord. However, it does fit the Norwegian term, which can refer to a much larger range of waterways. The Oslofjord is the population center of Norway, with 40% of the country’s population lying around this area.

Very few things define Scandinavian culture more than Vikings, and the Viking Ship Museum in Oslo is, for this reason and many others, one of the most impressive and attractive locations in the country. Because it is located right in Oslo and alongside some of the most interesting shopping and tourist options available, it is a place with endless possibilities to tourists.
