Visby – Gotland


The Viking Town of Visby

In the midst of the Baltic Sea lies this gem of an island that in eons has been a popular place for Swedish tourists. Also in recent years, tourists from abroad definitely have discovered this special place, and it is certainly worth it! Here is some of Sweden’s oldest settlements, and it is a medieval touch that brings out the city.

Visby is the largest and most famous village on the island, and an adventure itself. Encircled by city walls of the medieval cultivar, and scattered with ruins from the same time, it provides a completely separate atmosphere. Visby is also listed on UNESCO World Heritage List.

Summertime sparkles the town into feast and youthful happiness. Rest of the year a poetic silence encircle the town. It is nevertheless well worth a visit and here you should experience one of the theatre productions that often is set up in the ruins.


Exploring the nature on the island is also a must. It varies from barren rocks and stunning coastline to the landmark Hoburg, which is a hill known for its bird life.

The light is also particularly beautiful here, which the famous film director Ingmar Bergman, among other noticed. He resided here for a long time, and many of his films have been shot in precisely this area. Another must of the natural variety, is raukar that has been allowed to grow big. There are limestone formations shaped by the sea for decades. A natural work of art which evokes thoughts of our strange world.

Other Attractions

In addition, there are good golf and fishing facilities here, while the island also tempts with sights such as Visby Cathedral, Viking town and Pippi Villa Villekulla.

A delightful bonus is that one of Northern Europe’s exclusive designer hotels are located here.

Connect with ferry or plane. Outside Visby is Visby Airport. Fastest ferry takes almost three hours, but is not a bad alternative. Cycling is a great option in the town itself. Hotels and hostels are some of the options. Spend some time to figure out how and in what area you want to stay.

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