Oslo – The Expat Quick Guide

Expat Oslo

The city of Oslo which is the capital of Norway has a rich history that dates back to 1000 AD. The city has played host to some of the epical moments in the history of Norway including offering anchorage to the ships of the Vikings as well as the tragic decimation of its population by the Bubonic plague in 1349.

Some worrying and haunting history of Oslo may be deceptively covered by the unique architectural designs that decorates its space, fjords, and ecstatic urban population. Oslo was named European Green Capital 2019 as a result of the outstanding dedication of its administration in conservation of natural areas and emissions reduction.

Location, weather and Attractions in Oslo

Oslo city lies within coordinates: 59° 56’N 10° 45’E within the Oslofjord’s northernmost tip. The city draws part of its uniqueness from the topography which is accentuated by  40 islands and 343 lakes. The unique natural features and the other human made structures make the city worth living in or visiting. The city experiences hemi-boreal continental climate with often very extreme temperatures.

When in Oslo, you will feel a visitor all the time since there are always some new attractions for your eyes to see. The Oslo Opera House, The Barcode Project, Paleet Shopping Centre and many more structures make Oslo a fascinating. Within the past 30 years, Oslo has transformed in aesthetics, quality of life and sustainability.

Housing in Oslo

Oslo being a capital city, you must have a legitimate concern about the ease of getting accommodation or shifting from one apartment to another. As a student in Oslo, you can get an apartment from as low as 6000 NOK. As long as you do your search well, you are sure to always get an assortment of student accommodation which fits your budget.

The cost of housing varies depending on space, available facilities and location in the city. You can always fill in the tenancy details details and send out to the housing companies in Oslo. If you have a family in Oslo, you can get a family apartment which can be one bedroom, two bedroom, three or four bedrooms depending on how much space you need. However, you need to always be conscious of your ability to sustain regular payment of rent and all other bills that come with the house otherwise it becomes burdensome.

Education in Oslo

Olso being the capital city of Norway has an outstanding education system, a bubbling literate community and excellent academic institutions for preschoolers, primary schoolers, high-schoolers, and higher education. There are various universities and colleges in Olso which offer various courses ranging from social sciences, technology, engineering and theology.

If you are working, it important to get a daycare for your infant who cannot still go to preschool. Remember daycare is a very important part of the Norwegian education system since it provides the toddlers with elementary developmental support. Therefore, the municipality ensure that your child is given the best possible care when under such daycare.

Working in Oslo

As an expatriate, it is good to pitch yourself well, package your qualifications and approach the many industries in Norway. Whereas you can decide to use the online job application portals in Norway, a walk into the company management and expressing your competencies can really set you apart.

If you have to apply for jobs online then you must as a matter of necessity tailor your resume to the specific jobs you intend to get since it is the only thing that will sell you. As a capital city, there are various employers who of course are interested in employing the best skilled person.

So you must make sure you stand out. The maritime, research and development industries are the most advanced in Oslo so you can always check where exactly you fit in within this competitive ecosystem. However, there are also some other low-skill jobs such as distribution of mail, cleaning and dishwashing.

Where to buy affordably in Oslo

Despite the fact that building in Oslo can be a bit expensive, it is possible to live in the city on a small budget as long as you know where you can get whatever you need cheaply. For ready to eat or raw foodstuff, it is possible to walk into affordable supermarkets such as Rema 1000 and Grønlandtorg Frukt & Grønt.
