Study in Denmark

Denmark is a country of great academic opportunities at all levels including kindergarten, primary, secondary, collage and university. At all these stages, the country avails to the learners some of the best resources that enable them to get advanced knowledge in their various fields of interest. It is always for sure that an average student … Read more

Moving to and Staying in Denmark as a Foreign Student

Moving to Denmark from Kenya

This is a guest post from Fredrick Awino, an expat living in Denmark. We are proud to publish his experiences, views and advise for newcomers to Denmark and possibly also Scandinavia. Enjoy… Thinking about moving to Europe-Scandinavia Growing up in the Suburban village in Kenya, I always entertained this peculiar desire to have a taste … Read more

Stockholm Expat Quick Guide

Stockholm expat guide

Stockholm is the capital city of Sweden and lies on the Baltic Sea Archipelago. There are a lot of fun facts about Stockholm city. It does not only draw its attractiveness from its rich diversity of cultures but also the topographical nature. It has 14 islands and 50 bridges that are skillfully constructed to enable … Read more

Oslo – The Expat Quick Guide

Expat Oslo

The city of Oslo which is the capital of Norway has a rich history that dates back to 1000 AD. The city has played host to some of the epical moments in the history of Norway including offering anchorage to the ships of the Vikings as well as the tragic decimation of its population by … Read more