Study in Denmark

Denmark is a country of great academic opportunities at all levels including kindergarten, primary, secondary, collage and university. At all these stages, the country avails to the learners some of the best resources that enable them to get advanced knowledge in their various fields of interest. It is always for sure that an average student … Read more

Student Life in Denmark

Becoming a student in Denmark has never been any easier.  With the current internet access and various scholarship opportunities, one can take a leap into a great academic experience in a Scandinavian country which by and large is among the culturally diverse in  continental Western Europe. Even as someone thinks about making this bold step … Read more

Scandinavia – a long introduction

It is common to hear people planning to travel to the United States of America, Europe, and Australia. When someone mentions Europe, the countries that feature prominently are the big ones including Germany, France, Italy, or the United Kingdom. But in reality, there is a treasured region within the wider Europe which many may not … Read more

Moving to study in Scandinavia as a Married Person

Juggling between raising a family and studying overseas is one of the most difficult decisions to make and faint-hearted people often fail at it. As someone in the early or middle youth, it’s common to face the dilemma of whether to focus on bringing up a family or chasing after some extra academic qualifications. Out … Read more