Tips for traveling on a budget as a Student in Denmark

By any statistics Denmark still remains to be the happiest country on the globe. This happiness creates a very high sense of positivity  and enthusiasm among students in Denmark. If you did not know, Denmark also has a strategic plan attracting students from within the EU to the country. Two such plans include the SU … Read more

Highly Marketable Courses in Sweden

Studies is one of the most common ways people use to come to Sweden. Whether postgraduate or undergraduate studies, Swedish top class universities have always assured international students of the best learning facilities and thriving post studies career. An ambitious student from ay part of the world who wishes to get the best training can … Read more

Get your NemID in Denmark Today

If CPR number is a gateway to public services in Denmark, then NemID is the key. I mean the two almost go together when it comes to getting public services in Denmark. Just to give you an impression of it, anyone with a social media account must have had to fill in some information under … Read more

Study in Denmark

Denmark is a country of great academic opportunities at all levels including kindergarten, primary, secondary, collage and university. At all these stages, the country avails to the learners some of the best resources that enable them to get advanced knowledge in their various fields of interest. It is always for sure that an average student … Read more

Student Life in Denmark

Becoming a student in Denmark has never been any easier.  With the current internet access and various scholarship opportunities, one can take a leap into a great academic experience in a Scandinavian country which by and large is among the culturally diverse in  continental Western Europe. Even as someone thinks about making this bold step … Read more

Studying in Norway

Norway for sure is a country of hidden treasures. Not so many people travelling to Europe or Scandinavian region end up in Norway. Aside from the extreme cold temperatures and dark winters for which Norway is known, the country has some of the best universities globally. Any ambitious man or woman who wishes to get … Read more

Facing and dealing with discrimination as an immigrant

Are you planning to travel and live abroad? Then thinking about the possibility of feeling and actually being discriminated against should be a top priority. The first experiences in the new country may vary from person to the other. It moving and arriving in the host country is always full of mixed emotions. It really … Read more

My passport is invalid; Visa has expired

For any traveller or expatriate, nothing sends chills down the spine more than the realisation that the very important travel documents are not valid anymore. You know, sometimes the stay in a foreign country can turn out to be full of fun and enjoyment that travel documents expire unnoticed. But no one may want to … Read more

Scandinavia – a long introduction

It is common to hear people planning to travel to the United States of America, Europe, and Australia. When someone mentions Europe, the countries that feature prominently are the big ones including Germany, France, Italy, or the United Kingdom. But in reality, there is a treasured region within the wider Europe which many may not … Read more

A Quick Expat Guide in Odense

Your experience in Denmark can never be complete without a visit or short stay in Odense. There is just so much in store for you in the city that was home to the prolific writer of the time, Hans Christian Andersen. Odense will surprise you with its unique historical and cultural heritage. Modernity too has … Read more

Romance and Intimacy as a sojourner

I daresay that everybody harbours this great desire to travel and explore the world although with the naivety of its downsides. One common reality that people may want to ignore or put on the back banner is that a sojourner will never get enough time to establish a stable and working romantic relationship. Whether the … Read more

Common mistakes when applying to study in Scandinavia

Getting an opportunity to take higher education in Scandinavia is by no way a mean feat. For anyone who understands what quality education complete with experiential learning, experimentations, immersive teaching, and connection with faculty, Scandinavia ranks so high up there. Today, almost every new graduate in a middle-income or developing country has this nagging longing … Read more

Life After completing Studies as a Foreigner

It is one thing to settle on a tour of study in a foreign country and another thing to make end-of-studies decisions. In most cases, the initial period of stay in a new place can be so harrowing, strange, and uncomfortable to say the least. In fact, most students would feel the urge to abandon … Read more

Tromsø Expat Quick Guide

Tromso - work - study - expat

Norway is probably one of the most attractive destinations in Scandinavia due to its extremely wonderful landscapes, fjords and ice capped mountains. It is breathtaking to witness the magnificence of nature in this far West European country. Tromsø is one of the cities in Norway that hosts some of the treasures some of which date … Read more

Aalborg Epat Quick Guide

Aalborg - study - work - expat

Aalborg is a city located in the northern part of the Jutland region of Denmark. Being among the oldest cities in Denmark, Aalborg is home to some of the treasures dating back to AD1000. The city has experienced a fair share of bad and good times. In the 1530s, Aalborg suffered various religious civil wars … Read more

All about Scandinavia for you

scandinavian countries life and happiness

On the face of it, Scandinavia doesn’t match our typical ideas about a region worth migrating to. It doesn’t make it to global headlines all the time, it has a tiny population, and frankly, most of us really don’t really know much about the place. When we think of migration, most people automatically steer towards the … Read more