Exploring Ferry Options to Stockholm: Travel Time, Cost, and Budget-Friendly Choices

a person sitting on a bus

Introduction to Ferry Travel to Stockholm Traveling to Stockholm by ferry presents a unique and appealing option for many adventurers. The journey itself is often a highlight, offering travelers the chance to witness some of the most scenic waterways in Northern Europe. The tranquil waters, coupled with breathtaking views of the archipelagos and coastal landscapes, … Read more

Exciting journey aboard Fynshav to Bøjden ferry

We’ve all travelled for different reasons and to multibe destinations but there’s always a unique expectation when it comes to crossing over to a new country. The feeling isn’t any different for those making a return visit to or coming to Denmark for the first time. Top of the list for many is the keeness … Read more

Winning tricks to get perfect car insurance deals in Scandinavia

Across the different countries of Scandinavia, car ownership counts among the priory things especially for the convenience it brings. With the correct driving licence, it’s possible to get driving in Scandinavia but then to own one in your name comes with the need of a car insurance.  Anyone in Scandinavia already or has broadly read … Read more

Sneak peek of Brundby Hotel

After long periods of cold and rainy seasons, soon it will be Summer again. But even if not about summer, business executives, merry makers and adventure travelers make it to Denmark each day and there’s no better way to feel comfortable than checking into an exotic yet affordable Brundby Hotel. Of course the term affordability … Read more

Best of ferry services in Scandinavia

Scandinavia is one region known for beauty, historical attractions, bubbly city life, great waterfronts, high-tech infrastructure and most of all excellent transportation systems. Here, you will literally get spoiled for choices on which mode of transport to use for your travels or holidaying. It’s possible to catch the train, board a bus, hop into a … Read more

Popular Seafood Restaurants in Sweden

Anyone who knows a thing or two about Scandinavia generally and Denmark specifically knows that seafood is a delicacy. It is Sweden, like the rest of the region where one gets to eat so many types of seafood. In fact if you are so picky on what to eat, it may be difficult to first … Read more

Exciting Places for Holidaying in Sweden

We can all agree that so many of us fall into the trap of being immersed in working to earn for our always pressing needs. A foreigner coming to Sweden has great goals on how to make big money and build mansions back home. But still, there are a good number of us who see … Read more

Car renting in Denmark as a Foreigner

Transport in Denmark is probably a topic that is likely of great interest to an expat moving to the country or just visiting for a short time. While the public transport system is well developed to include trains and buses, their route plan may not be so suitable to someone who wants to do everything … Read more

90/180-day rule for holders of a Schengen Visa

For anyone looking to process immigration to Europe, the Schengen visa is that coveted gateway. After you process your visa and have the itinerary in place, it’s time to know more details about rules that apply in that part of the world. The best travellers of old told us that when you move to Rome, … Read more

Brief Details about the Schengen Visa

Are you planning to visit any or several countries in Europe and wondering the type of Visa you need? A Schengen Visa will allow you to visit all the European countries within the Schengen Area. However, you must provide proof of travel insurance, evidence of financial means, and proof of accommodation in Europe at the … Read more

5 Days in Scandinavia | Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo Itinerary

travel stockholm

Every traveler has dreamt of the perfect Scandinavia trip at some point, and if this is also on your to-do list, you are in the right place! Even if you only have 5 days to explore it, this is plenty of time to hit all the essentials and most important sites. However, for it to … Read more

Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) Airline, the proud Flier that Links Scandinavia

It can never be a point of debate that air transport so far remains the safest and the fastest. Across Scandinavia, transport remains popular with the people unlike in other countries where flying is considered prestige. Moreover, moving from one country in the European Union to another remains hassle free as no extra travel documentation … Read more

Best Airlines to fly from Denmark to Africa

With the great aviation industry currently, it is very possible to take breakfast in Copenhagen, Denmark, eat lunch in Doha, Qatar and take your best African dish in Nairobi. So many destinations in the world today have been connected with short flight times and even brief layovers at affordable airfare. Today, many airlines have increased … Read more

Finnair, the Majestic link between Finland and South East Asia

Recently I visited Finland and all can confirm its is a serene country with forest cover everywhere. Not to mention the great public transport there. By recounting this real experience, the intention isn’t to propagate a personal experience of Finland. Instead, this piece just tries to bring forth the true picture of Finland which so … Read more

Tips for traveling on a budget as a Student in Denmark

By any statistics Denmark still remains to be the happiest country on the globe. This happiness creates a very high sense of positivity  and enthusiasm among students in Denmark. If you did not know, Denmark also has a strategic plan attracting students from within the EU to the country. Two such plans include the SU … Read more

Facing and dealing with discrimination as an immigrant

Are you planning to travel and live abroad? Then thinking about the possibility of feeling and actually being discriminated against should be a top priority. The first experiences in the new country may vary from person to the other. It moving and arriving in the host country is always full of mixed emotions. It really … Read more

My passport is invalid; Visa has expired

For any traveller or expatriate, nothing sends chills down the spine more than the realisation that the very important travel documents are not valid anymore. You know, sometimes the stay in a foreign country can turn out to be full of fun and enjoyment that travel documents expire unnoticed. But no one may want to … Read more

Raising a Global Child

Today as globalization and more international jobs accept people from different parts of the globe, children who relocate with parents during such deployments effectively become global children. These are children who have lived part of their lives in different socio-cultural settings. They do not have a pure upbringing and have acquired bits of socialization at … Read more

Romance and Intimacy as a sojourner

I daresay that everybody harbours this great desire to travel and explore the world although with the naivety of its downsides. One common reality that people may want to ignore or put on the back banner is that a sojourner will never get enough time to establish a stable and working romantic relationship. Whether the … Read more

Esbjerg, Denmark

In Southern Denmark lies the city of Esbjerg which opens up to the North Sea. Something that makes Esbjerg stand out is its port and the many institutions of higher learning around which make it more or less a student city. Nothing can be said about Esbjerg without the mention of its signature statues of … Read more

Best Ways to Experience New Travel Destinations

As humans traveling around is the best way to always challenge our imaginations, give meaning to long-borne perceptions and make sense of the world. People travel for various reasons including out of sheer leisure and enjoyment, the pursuit of greener pastures, education, and many more. Whichever the reasons that cause someone to leave their own … Read more

All About The Faroe Islands

The Faroe Islands is an autonomous territory under the Kingdom of Denmark, which makes it a part of Scandinavia. The North Atlantic archipelago is located in the North Atlantic having 18 small islands made up of tall mountains, narrow fjords, and cliffs. Positioned strategically between Europe and North America, the Faroe Islands are only a … Read more

Aalborg Epat Quick Guide

Aalborg - study - work - expat

Aalborg is a city located in the northern part of the Jutland region of Denmark. Being among the oldest cities in Denmark, Aalborg is home to some of the treasures dating back to AD1000. The city has experienced a fair share of bad and good times. In the 1530s, Aalborg suffered various religious civil wars … Read more

All about Scandinavia for you

scandinavian countries life and happiness

On the face of it, Scandinavia doesn’t match our typical ideas about a region worth migrating to. It doesn’t make it to global headlines all the time, it has a tiny population, and frankly, most of us really don’t really know much about the place. When we think of migration, most people automatically steer towards the … Read more

Fun Facts About Scandinavia

Fun facts scandinavia

Want to impress family and friends with fun facts about Scandinavia in your next quiz night? This article will teach you more about Northern Europe, so get comfy, maybe you’ll discover a thing or two you didn’t know before. Scandinavia facts Scandinavia is comprised of three countries. Scandinavia consists of three countries, which are Denmark, … Read more

How to Understand Scandinavian Countries

Scandinavian culture

Understanding Scandinavian countries depend on the context, and who is asked. The answer may be different when speaking in terms of geography, culture, or language. When the word “Nordic” is thrown into the mix, things becomes confusing and these two are often used interchangeably in context but they have their own specific meanings. In this … Read more

Surviving the Scandinavian Winter

real winter in scandinavia

When you first start researching the Scandinavian countries in hope of becoming an expat, you might see the word winter mentioned a few times. The cold season when we never see the sun, when the sea freezes over and the snow lays deep in the streets. This is typically how people picture a Scandinavian winter, … Read more

The Language Barrier

Speaking English in Scandinavia is not so difficult

When deciding to become an expat many fear the language barrier. Will you be able to communicate with the locals? Today we will be talking about the language barrier in Scandinavia and help you decide between our different nations. Hopefully you will have a much better understanding of our languages after reading this.  The Swedes … Read more

Theme parks in Scandinavia

Theme Parks in Scandinavia

Everyone loves a visit to a nice theme park. There is no denying it, that is simply how it is. Luckily, if you decide to become an expat in Scandinavia, you will have a lot of theme parks to choose from. In this article we will be going over the different theme parks and be … Read more

Moving to and Staying in Denmark as a Foreign Student

Moving to Denmark from Kenya

This is a guest post from Fredrick Awino, an expat living in Denmark. We are proud to publish his experiences, views and advise for newcomers to Denmark and possibly also Scandinavia. Enjoy… Thinking about moving to Europe-Scandinavia Growing up in the Suburban village in Kenya, I always entertained this peculiar desire to have a taste … Read more