Exciting ways people make extra money in Denmark


As soon as you enter Denmark as a foreigner, the first thing that clicks in your mind is ways to earn a living. You will have to think about ways to pay your bills, live a good life and still have something left to save.

There is no doubt that with a legal residence in Denmark, you won’t miss something to do. You will get so many jobs offers ranging from jobs for educated people, non-educated jobs, skilled jobs, technical jobs and anything in between.  Jobs in Denmark are paid well compared to other countries in the world. Even with the good salary, it will become obvious that you need to earn more money to have something left for you.

Why you need an extra income in Denmark as a foreigner

You can come to Denmark as a student, employee or family reunification but whichever the case, you have to work and earn from it. Denmark is  a country where working is highly regarded and workers respected.

Professionally employed people in critical sectors such as engineering, medicine, food science, executives and such earn more than kr. 35000 after taxes but this money has so many demands to meet. You will be paying mortgage, car loan, utilities and what is left is maybe just the little to fuel your car every day.

At the end of every month, you realize that your main job which you work 8 hours each day 5 days a week don’t earn you just so much-t is just enough to support your daily life. If you closely look at the way the Danish system is structured, it is in such a way that the government taxes you highly then does the bulk of the job for you. For instance, you don’t pay for hospital, child education, and may even qualify for housing benefits.

So the economy of Denmark makes sure that the salary you carry home at the end of the month goes back through the relatively high food price index, car maintenance, servicing loans and so on. You who still have people abroad looking up to you for support may not even have crumps left after paying bills. So you need to do something extra.

If you have a project running back at home, there is obviously a need to earn more in Denmark and send it so that nothing stalls. Honestly, a salary from one main job alone in Denmark will only help you to do so much.

What jobs are available as an extra source of income in Denmark?

Aside from your main job in Denmark, you must be creative to find other available ways to earn. It is great to find some time to rest but then it’s even good to find an extra thing to do an earn more money.

1.    Seasonal jobs in the Summerhouses

Taking holiday in Scandinavia is a big thing and there are so many summer houses build along the sandy beaches in Denmark. Here, families and spouses come to spend their holidays and just chill off. In most cases, the summerhouses need assistants to help in cleaning and just setting up everything in place for the guests.

Summerhouse jobs in Denmark are mainly on Fridays until Sunday and you are free to take as much houses as your energy allows. These jobs pay really well above the normal jobs. Some pay up to kr. 180 per hour which is good money. If you take up work in the summer houses throughout the summer season, it’s a big jackpot for you. Maybe then you take your own holiday when everyone else has gone back to work.

2.    Office Cleaning Jobs in Denmark

Office cleaning is a job that so many people take in Denmark because of its convenience. Most offices close by around 1700hrs on a normal day. This means that if you had a normal job, by the time you need to start this cleaning, already you have come home and even rested a bit.

The office cleaning in Denmark has not much pressure and people can work at their own speed provided that the spaces are left in good shape ready for workers the next day. This is another trick even professional workers don’t hesitate to take.

3.    Colleting Pant bottles in Denmark

In Denmark, bottles especially cans and plastic bottles have a barcode which requires that they are returned so that the money that was held at the time of buying is paid back. Interestingly, this approach was planned to help encourage recycling but people in Denmark are funny-so many would rather drop their bottles in the dustbin and walk away.

A bottle in Denmark can be kr. 1, kr. 1.50 or kr. 3 depending on size and whether it is plastic of can. Walking around or just using a scooter, you can ordinarily collect so many bottles especially during summer when people eat out. At the end of a single round in the city, you will probably get up to kr. 100 for your bottles.

Collecting bottles is also a way of doing exercise and keeping fit. so it is a double win for you when you cycle around, ride a scooter or just walk on foot.

4.    Take a hobby job in Denmark

Today, there are so many hobby jobs available online which you can do after your workday. For instance if you know graphic design, social media marketing, making podcast, providing product reviews and such. These are jobs that are done remotely and only need you to ah=have a computer and stable internet.

At the end of the month, maybe you will have like kr. 8000 from your hobby which then goes a long way to help your budget.

Value of having an extra job in Denmark

In Denmark, there is never anything for free. People literally work their asses off to earn a half kroner and so must you. Just sticking to working one job a day will only guarantee your bills but nothing more.

An extra job earns you some more money and a lease of financial freedom. The only thing is that you as a person must exercise financial discipline to spend the extra money wisely. As you know, it is never about how  much money one earns but the use to which they are put. So be wise.
