Getting a job in Sweden


Having a thriving career in Sweden is everyone’s wish as soon as they arrive there. One important thing that a newcomer in Sweden needs to know is that a having a job is always a key priority. interested in knowing more about Sweden? Just click here for more facts about Sweden.

The Swedish economy operates in such a way that everyone wiling to stick their heads out and seek a job, finds something to do. It does not necessarily matter what your level of education is, what your career experience is or competencies.

All you need to have to get a job in Sweden is a ready to go attitude and the country will always be welcoming you to its boundless job opportunities your way.

The fact that Sweden has a minimum wage means that every job will guarantee you a living income. 

Where to get a job in Sweden

The case of getting a job in Sweden is not any different from the other Scandinavia countries. A key way of getting a job in Sweden like the rest of Scandinavia is through referrals.

Anyone with skills in the highly sensitive sectors including health, accounting, engineering, technology, nursing and dentistry will likely be considered for a job in Sweden even if they send in their applications from their own country.

To get medium-skill to low -skilled jobs in Sweden, it is a good idea to connect with the people who already know the employers. With a referral, the employer will highly trust you to deliver and live up to expectations. 

There are also a series of jobsites that update the available jobs on a minute to minute basis. You only need to register or do a random search for job openings and many suggestions will come to your screen.

Some job sites in Sweden will want you to create a profile with them, upload an application and C.V so that every time there is a matching job, an alert is sent to your email.

For some job sites, you only need to pick a job of your choice, read through the requirements, attach the required documents and send there and then. 

Some of the jobs sites in Sweden include


Tricks to getting a first job in Sweden

As a foreigner in Sweden, you are sure not to be treated differently but to a given extent, you are somehow disadvantaged. Disadvantaged in this case does not mean inability but just that you are not adequately aware about how the Swedish work environment is, the expectations of the employers, relationship with workers and many more.

A newcomer to Sweden is simply less informed. As a way to set yourself up and running, focus on learning through networks. 

You should be quick to make friends at the slightest opportunity. It does not matter whether it is in church, social event, get together or academic activity. What you need to do is be intelligently irresistible and curious. Learning through others will lend you insights into things that no book or documentary will tell you about the Swedish job market. 

Before you set yourself onto a matching career path in Sweden, you need to be very highly flexible. I would advise people to take that first job that they find even if it is not matching their expectations.

Having a job will expand your horizons, make you meet new people, charm as many as possible and just land your desired job eventually. Even if your personality is that of a calm person or so introverted, Sweden is not a place you will want to keep quite.

You know, if you don’t reach out and connect, everyone assumes that your life is perfectly taken care of. So you need to speak out. Do not fear asking people, including those you do not know, where they work and if there are openings there. 

Aside from social networks, the social media including Facebook pages are important places to look out to when searching for a job. Oftentimes, people and entities will post various job opportunities and it may tun out to be your one of your liking. 

Swedish Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen)

The Swedish government highly regard the dignity that comes with people working and earning their fair wages. As a result, it has an agency called Swedish Public Employment Service which provide every job seeker with information that they may need to enter the job market. 

The Swedish Public Employment Service website is always updated with relevant information that will give a newcomer a compass direction into their desired job. The service also recruits international experts to take up high demanding jobs in the country or to bridge labour scarcity in specific fields. 

Swedish The labour shortage list

The Swedish Migration Agency together with the Public Employment Agency have a responsibility of compiling a list of jobs where demand is more than available labour. This list is called the labour shortage list which gives each field that lacks enough human resources.

The jobs that make it to the labour shortage list are not only highly competitive but also guarantees someone with matching qualifications to get the chance.

Sweden is highly aware of the importance of expertise in supporting continued economic growth throughout its sectors.

So, someone with excellent set of skills relevant to jobs in the labour shortage list will have a chance to apply for a work permit when they are already living in Sweden-they do not need to return to and apply from their respective countries. 

Although, the jobs in the labour shortage list are attractive and lucrative, the list is written in Swedish which means that you need to have a particular level of understanding Swedish or rely on translations.  

Jobs to expect in Sweden

Sweden has all sorts of legal jobs for everyone. Regardless of how much educated or skilful you are, the government of Sweden knows that you need a way to get your daily bread. Therefore, you will get skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled jobs all in Sweden.

The only thing that you should know is that your wage levels will depend on how much you have to offer.

As already mentioned, you are protected from exploitation the minimum salary standards will always guide you. 

You can easily get a career footing in Sweden as a nurse, pre-school teacher, special education teacher, civil engineer, social worker, software developer and IT specialist, psychologist, doctor and many more.

There are also jobs in the business and hospitality environments.
