Making Restaurant Vita your go to joint for everything perfect

Copenhagen city never stops amazing first timers just as residents with its exciting facilities, transport, waterfront and state of art infrastructure. In fact most people who’ve visited Denmark remember more of Copenhagen than other places in the country. But to create even memorable experiences one can check in at restaurant Vita and enjoy luxurious menu … Read more

Scandinavian royals

So many expatriates enter Scandinavia and get so taken aback by the high level of political stability experienced there. In any case, Ukrainians still flee and try to find new homes in Scandinavia. Similarly. victims of war, political turmoil keep running away from Lebanon, Syria and West Africa to seek refuge in Scandinavia. So at … Read more

No monarch in Finland; but why?

A keen observer on how countries run will quickly recognize that the Nordic countries practice an amalgam of systems of administrations. Particularly you will come to realize that the countries practice parliamentary democracy, constitutional monarchy and a decentralized but unitary state. The case is more or less similar in Denmark, Sweden and Noway. However in … Read more

Procedure of application to study in the Nordics

So many people applying to study in the Nordics or any country abroad often find themselves trapped in between, unable to complete and submit applications. Many study opportunities get advertised each academic year with generous scholarships accompaniment. But, not so many get to the finish line and enroll for studies. Ignorance counts among the common … Read more

Education mobility programs in the Nordics

No doubt, education by whatever name opens up greater opportunities to anyone who dares go the full hog and acquire the skills plus knowledge it brings. In Europe generally and in particular the Nordics, education has a central place in the society which explains the great investments made in providing necessary support. One outstanding thing … Read more

Getting over language barrier in Scandinavia 

To travel the world is to learn-and visiting or living in Scandinavia could just be another perfect opportunity for anyone who dares to look outwards for opportunities. The region may not be such a popular destination for people planning to live abroad but those who’ve been there will confess that it’s a hidden gem. Possibilities … Read more