Acquiring a Danish citizenship as an expat in Denmark


There are numerous amazing countries in the world yet Denmark seems to be an eye catcher for many expats. Picking a perfect country to settle in as an expat can be quite complex. Nonetheless, there are some very key reasons why as an expat your destination should point towards Denmark

For expats Denmark is their dream country due to its egalitarian society and the presence of progressive ideals. Besides, the major focus is on Denmark’s design and aesthetics. For high quality educational institutions, industries, and social institutions Denmark is ranking high. The quality of life in Denmark is exceptional and most expat enjoy it here.

Moving to Denmark as an expat however is not just about purchasing a plane ticket but rather a process till you get settled. Once you arrive here, getting a permanent residency visa in Denmark if you are from a country outside the EU is not simple. This means that your plan to stay longer will need you to apply for a temporary residency permit before coming in.

Temporary Residence Visa as an Expat in Denmark 

Temporary residency visa covers you for about 5 years. But the good news is that it gives you a right to work in Denmark with ease. In addition, a temporary residence visa in Denmark enables you to access high quality healthcare and education.

Most expats are however looking forward to immigrating fully to Denmark and obtain a permanent residency permit and eventual citizenship. But there are some key requirements that you will need as an expat seeking to become a Denmark citizen. 

Acquire a Permanent Residency Permit as an Expat in Denmark 

1. Legal Requirements

Generally, to fully immigrate to Denmark and obtain a permanent residency permit, you must have lived in Denmark for 8 years. Also, you must have worked at a certain income level for you to acquire a permanent residency card. This is mostly levelled at 400,000 DKK.

The Danish government has however put in place some schemes that have been designed to allow expats to move to Denmark very easily. For instance, through the Pay Limit Scheme that allows expats in Denmark to earn at least 400,000 DKK. If you have a Danish partner, a student, or an employee in Denmark, your chances of getting permanent residence are high.

It is also vital to note that the legal requirements may differ depending on your country of origin. Expats from the Nordic countries are free to live and work in Denmark. For the expats from EU states, the legal requirements are similar but if you are non-Nordic, you must obtain a registration certificate. It is a requirement that you must make this application within your 90 days of arrival in Denmark. 

2. Setting up your Finances in Denmark

Denmark with all its qualities as a country is an expat hub. Therefore, opening a bank account as a foreigner is an obvious requirement. Every bank in Denmark exhibits its unique policies. But to secure a standard account as an expat, you will have to produce an ID photo, a proof of employment, and proof of address.

Other than the above requirements for account opening, as an expat you’ll need a CPR which will be issued alongside your residence permit. It is a fact that without CPR you cannot be able to open a bank account in Denmark. For the expats who already have an international bank account, it will be to your advantage if they are operational in Denmark.

3. Having a Place to Live in Denmark 

While you arrive in Denmark as an expat, finding housing can prove to be quite expensive. However, as a new comer, it is recommended that you can rent before you are able to purchase a home. Within the popular cities you are able to find a house. This is however easier if you have a residency permit. 

Most agencies are quick to request for a CPR number from their clients. There are numerous agencies that are in place to help you as an expat. With a permanent place to live in, it is a surety to the government in Denmark that you are a stable and responsible person. Giving you a permanent residence permit therefore becomes a very easy process. 

Be Listed in a Naturalisation Bill in Denmark

For a foreign citizen, acquisition of a Danish citizen is by statute. For this reason, you must be listed in a naturalisation bill which is passed by the Danish parliament. The procedure is generally referred to as acquisition of Danish citizenship by naturalisation. 

However, to fully become a Danish citizen through naturalisation, you must fulfil the conditions. For instance, you must show proof of being self-sufficient, reside in Denmark, have mastery of the Danish language, and knowledge of Denmark. There are some Nordic citizens and former Danish citizens who are excused from this rule. 

As an Expat, you must Sign a Declaration of Loyalty and Allegiance to the Danish Society and Denmark in General

To acquire Danish citizenship through naturalisation, as an expat, you must declare your allegiance and loyalty to Denmark and the Danish society. You must outright declare that you will efficiently comply with the Danish law and the constitution. 

If that is not enough, you must declare that you will respect the fundamental Danish values and all the legal principles. Declaration of your respect to Danish democracy is a must. All these declarations are signed by the NemID or the MitID making part of the digital applications.

Be Free from Debt to any Public Authorities

It is a condition that for you as an expat to acquire Danish citizenship, you should not have certain overdue debts to any public authorities. Debts to public authorities like the repayable under the Social Service or Active Social Policy laws is just one example. There are more of such public authorities that you should also not be having overdue debts with.  

If there are no extension of payments granted or even no instalment agreement issued then a debt may rule out your possibility of becoming a citizen. This is considerable while referring to paragraph 22 of the guidelines relating to debt by public authorities. 

Must Have not Committed Certain Types of Crime as an Expat

As an expat, for you to acquire Danish citizenship, then it is a condition that you have not committed certain types of crimes. If you have also been charged with a certain offence, you cannot acquire Danish citizenship. This holds for as long as the charges are maintained. 

You Must be Employed and Bear Danish Language Skills

Being in full-time employment is key. Otherwise, self-employment for at least 3-4 years is possible. Connect with the labour market at the time a bill on the notification of citizenship is submitted. Additionally, submitting proof that you have acquired Danish language skills will help you obtain citizenship as an expat. 
