Youth Card (Ungdomskort) for Students in Denmark


Denmark isn’t as popular a destination globally compared to countries like Germany, France, the USA, Italy and such. However, studies is one of the ways through which people manage to come over to Denmark and partake of world class programs offered within some of the globally recognized universities in the country. 

Becoming a student in Denmark is no walk in the park. But with the current internet access with various available scholarship opportunities, you can easily achieve your great academic success in Denmark. There is no doubt that the student life in Denmark is one of mixed experiences, interesting on one hand but sometimes a little hectic especially when it comes to cost of living. 

In actual sense, one thing that a student in Denmark would wish to do is save at least an extra penny. However much endowed a student in Denmark is, there is always that urge to live on a strict budget but a few things are such a necessity to avoid. For instance, buying food and travelling to school on day to day basis can’t be set aside. Students who live close to universities in Denmark are less troubled about travel costs as bicycles and scooters are a common alternative ,especially with the well developed cycle lanes.

Typical life of a student in Denmark

A typical day time for a student in Denmark involves participating in your studies while at the same time you have free-time activities. As some are still contemplating upon taking the bold step to study in Denmark, there are numerous questions about what to expect. This is highly rooted in finances and the costs of living as a student in Denmark.

In order to get public services in Denmark any individual will need to have a CPR number but a NemID is key. The two go hand in hand. Access to public services under the Danish social system is easily possible through NemID one you have a CPR number. But as a student in Denmark, you will require an additional Youth Card (Ungdomskort) to aid your travelling across the country. 

What is a Ungdomskort?

In Denmark, Ungdomskort, is considered to be the public transport discount. All the students between the ages of 16-19 on a youth education program and also those in higher education get to enjoy this discount. Once you meet the set conditions as a student in Denmark you can easily obtain a public transport pass called Ungdomskort.

With a Ungdomskort, you are able to access a daily public transport discount from your place of residence to your institution of study. Besides there are numerous other offers that you get to enjoy as a student holding an Ungdomskort card. With a Ungdomskort, you can easily go by bus, train, or metro.

What you need to know about Youth Card (Ungdomskort)

The Ungdomskort is subject to a number of conditions. You must be a student on a youth education programme, a student in higher education, and a student aged between 16-19 years. Your student programme however, needs to be approved for an SU.

The Entitlements from a Youth Card (Ungdomskort)

Staying in Denmark as a student will mostly require you to travel from your university premises to your place of residence. There is no doubt that this will definitely become a major point to note in your financial budget. For all reasons, as a student there is a need to learn and create a means towards cutting down your transportation costs.

Some students mostly opt to study and work at the same time by taking on a student job. Your workplace may be some distance from where you reside. This may probably require you to board a train, a bus or even metro. For some who are advantaged to have their driving licences, they would opt to drive a private car. But some have the ideal of riding a bicycle.

As a student in Denmark, all these means of transportation are available but your choice of which to take will hugely affect your expenses. For this reason, Ungdomskort comes in as a saviour. With a Ungdomskort card, you are able to travel freely by bus, train, or metro to and from your location.

But this card is valid for only a period of between 30-120 days providing a discount on public transportation all through Denmark. 

Sowmthing Worth Noting about Ungdomskort

Once you make an order for your Ungdomskort, you may choose to either receive it as an in app or a plastic card. If your choice is for an in-app delivery, then you will have it through a DOT Tickets app or DSB app depending on the Youth Card validity area. Read more on how to get your DOT Youth Card in the DOT Tickets app.

There are some students who may however fail to meet the requirements to obtain an Ungdomskort. There would be no need to worry as a commuter pass or Rejsekort got your back. But all of this will greatly depend on how much you move around in Denmark as a student. 

How to Apply for your Ungdomskort

The application for the Ungdomskort exists via There are two possible ways that exist on how to make an application for your Ungdomskort card. If you are a student on a youth education or a higher education programme, then you need an approval on 

Log in with your NemID right from step 1 once you have been approved, then you will be moved to the self-service system. While there, there are various transport companies such as the Mit Ungdomskort which is the second step. At this stage, you will make an order and purchase your Ungdomskort. 

This card is available even to a student in the age between 16-19 years old and doesn’t belong in any education or training program. All you have to do if you fall in this category is to directly proceed to the transport companies’ self-service system Mit Ungdomskort. From there, pay for your Ungdomskort.

Students on a Youth Education Programme

You can only obtain an Ungdomskort for this programme if:

  • The programme entitles you to SU
  • You don’t receive any other transport subsidy on other schemes
  • You are on a full-time education
  • Not on a paid internship
  • You are actively studying
  • A maximum travel of 3 1/2 hours daily

Students on Higher Education

May obtain an Ungdomskort if:

  • Follow a higher education programme approved for SU
  • Do not receive any other transport subsidy
  • On full-time education programme
  • Not in any paid internship
  • A maximum travel of 3 1/2 hours daily