Ukranian Refugees and Immigration to Denmark


Denmark is a Northern Europe country which plays host to some of the great Viking history. With population barely under 6 million, the country keeps welcoming newcomers from different parts of the world. The peace and political stability experienced in Denmark has seen it welcome refugees, asylum seekers and people running away from countries having wars such as Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, and recently Ukraine.

Although some people may argue that Denmark is closed for immigrants, the fact of the matter is that Denmark is welcoming to people who are outrightly committed to do their best in not only changing own lives but also contributing to the country’s economy. It does not matter whether you are an ICT guru, medical nerd, excellent Business practitioner or more, Denmark has a place for you.

Every year, Denmark allows in people from every part of the world who come as refugees, asylum seekers, workers, students, researchers, cultural exchange students and many more. In  nutshell, there are so many ways that people come to Denmark. The most important thing is that whatever it is that brings you to Denmark must be legal and approved by the immigration authorities. If one  smuggles his way into the country without  following the correct immigration procedures, Denmark will be a hell of experience for you. Being an undocumented immigrant in Denmark is just a  big NO for anybody who expects life to move smoothly. 

Ways to come to Denmark

It is important to really emphasize that there are just so many alternative ways for coming to Denmark. But, at the end of it all, the option one takes to relocated to Denmark must be legally recognized by the Danish authorities. In essence, the Danish immigration authorities must process your entry fully before being considered a resident of Denmark.

For ease, let’s just classify ways of moving into Denmark into 3 categories including;

Normal immigration

This is where a person living in another country is allowed to move into Denmark for reasons including study, research, cultural, religious, or work.

Enhanced immigration

In the event of a crisis as is the case with the Ukraine-Russia war, Denmark will as a necessity create special guidelines for accepting people fleeing from the ravages of war. Similarly, under the UN regulations are required to take in asylum seekers, refugees and any persons at risk of human rights violations. Over the years, this category has seen immigrants moving into Denmark from crisis ridden countries of Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, DRC, and many more.

This is an immigration made possible for people who are relatives or sponsored by people already living in Denmark. People come as accompanying family, family reunification et cetera.

Getting Processed for Residence in Denmark

Denmark is a fairly organized country which means that there is a process that leads to everything including getting a residence permit. Contrary to what many people may think, being physically present in Denmark does not guarantee that you will be allowed entry into the system. Before being admitted to the register of residents on Denmark popularly known as The Danish Civil Registration System (CPR) is the gateway to Denmark. Forget about the flight or train you took to enter Denmark and start thinking intently about how you will make your way to the CPR for therein lies you key to entering Denmark.

The Danish The Danish Civil Registration System (CPR) is the country’s  national register  which has basic and important information about everyone legally residing in the country. Some of the key information registered in the CPR include name, address, birth registration, citizenship, church membership, parentage, marital status  and status of the individual registration.

As a primary advice, when someone comes to Denmark, the first point of call should be the closest municipality. Of course, it would be best to get registered at the municipality where you would like to live and work but this may not always be the case. Assuming you have just come to Denmark without a job offer at the moment and just needs to start life from scratch, it’s important to get registered at the nearest municipality first.

Registration of Residence in Denmark

The requirements for registration of Residence upon arrival in Denmark varies according to where you have come from or how long time you plan to stay in Denmark. As a general requirement, any stays exceeding 3 months from the time of entry is considered prolonged and require extra processing.

The citizen service centre located within the same premises of the municipalities are responsible for registration of people into the CPR. They will assess your migration documents and see whether you really qualify to stay in Denmark. They will do three things; one is to register you forthwith, second is to seek extra proof of eligibility to live in Denmark and third is to completely reject your application (in which case, you be a candidate for deportation or seek residence on other grounds).

Registration of residence in Denmark as a Nordic citizen

A Nordic citizen is someone who comes from any of the recognized Nordic countries including sovereign states of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. To get registered in Denmark from these Nordic countries, one needs to carry along identification documents in the form of a photo ID such as a driver’s license or passport. With this, you will easily get registered into the CPR at the nearest Citizen Service.

With a CPR, you are considered fully recognized in Denmark and can therefore go ahead and open a bank account, access the public library or get anything else available to people with similar status as you.


Registration of residence in Denmark as citizen of an EU/EEA country

It may be a toll to know which group your country lies but the European Economic Area/ European Union countries are counted at 30. It would be good to check this list to know I your country belongs to this category.

A citizen of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland have a right to live, study and work in Denmark. However, it is recommended that you as a priority apply for a registration certificate in Denmark as soon as you arrive. Upon such registration, you will be issued with a CPR number which then gives you access to almost everything needed to have a normal working life in Denmark.


Registration of residence in Denmark as citizen from outside of the Nordic region, the EU/EEA or Switzerland

People in this category of countries always find it too burdensome to qualify not only for immigration but also registration. But assuredly, if you arrive in Denmark using the correct channel and have the required documents at your disposal, it won’t be a big deal to register CPR.

As a law demand, citizens of a country outside of the Nordic region, the EU/EEA or Switzerland must as a starting point apply for a residence permit to enter Denmark. Application permit application in Denmark is processed by Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI).

The application for residence permit in this case must be sent to a Danish representative office  which can be an embassy or general consulate in the applicant’s home country.A processed application for residence permit will culminate in being issued with a paper proof which must be presented at the nearest Citizen service centre five days upon arrival in Denmark. The citizen service centre will then complete the registration process and issue you with a CPR number.

Having a CPR is what will allow anyone in Denmak to access critical public services such as opening a bank account and getting a health insurance card popularly known as Yellow health card (sundhedskort in Danish).

Getting A house in Denmark

Getting a house in Denmark is very much important in Denmark for many reasons but key is because all your post will always be sent to the registered address. So even before you can go for registration of residence in Denmark, it makes sense to have a registered address where the health card or bank card will be sent. Sometimes you will be lucky to get your preferred house or if not, live temporarily with a friend or relative. Whichever is the case, just have an address because it’s a critical requirement.

Something important to know about housing in Denmark is that the closer a house is to the city centre, the more expensive it is likely to be. Again, the city where you live will highly determine the cost of renting a house there. Other normal factors such as floor size and installed facilities will play a role in how much one pays for renting.

If you are not interested in renting and have enough money to buy own home or a villa, then that is also a great possibility in Denmark. But as a disclaimer, buying own house in Denmark is likely to cost you an arm and both legs. Generally, housing is damn expensive in Denmark and will variably  take well above 35% or more of your monthly income. However, there are smart ways to get over the house rent. One way is to apply for housing benefit in the event you qualify for it.

Getting a house in Denmark through referrals

As you will later on in this long post realize, referrals are the order of day in Denmark. Be it in getting your desired job, school, house or study institution, you can always trust referrals to make the way for you.

Once you arrive in Denmark, it is expected that you will identify a trusted social group. This social group can be religious, people coming from same country as yourself, or someone you meet out of coincidence and vibe. Such people will  at least give a clue about where it’s affordable to rent, closeness to places of work, possibility of getting a house allowance et cetera. It’s just good to agree to be taught and informed about the many new things about renting in Denmark.

In any case, housing companies or individuals who rent out apartments in Denmark would prefer someone who is referred by  person already known to them than just a random tenant. Secret about referrals in renting is that the rental owner may be so good as to allow you occupy the house without paying a security deposit. Make no mistake, it gets better to be referred when renting an apartment.

As is always, renting without referral will run the risk of not getting prior nitty gritty information about things to check when getting in, what things such as A conto (fixed pyment to kate care of your consumption  bills as a tenant which is later balanced with your actual consumption) etc. The housing company will as a good practice tell you everything you may need but remember that they are in business and may just hide some cards under the table. So, get referrals and ask as much as you can about the place you would wish to rent. As already said, at the top of your mind should be the reality that up to 40% of your income will go to rent; you obviously don’t want to make a mistake with this.

Get a house in Denmark through Housing companies

Housing in Denmark is a big thing for sure. With the extremely cold winters and hot summers, housing companies in the country will offer you a wide range of housing options for your choice. Whether you need a family house, an apartment, student rooms, shareables et cetera, housing companies is you to go to partner.  

Housing companies in Denmark operate with god faith to give tenants value for their hard earned money. Of course there are some spoilt apples in the housing market that are out to only make profits by swindling unsuspecting would be tenants. To avoid being conned in renting, take your time to deal only with registered and legitimate housing companies. Let nobody  make that innocent face wile in the real sense trying to con you with fake housing offers.

Housing offers from companies in Denmark can also be easily accessed from authoritative websites some of which include;

  • AkutBolig.
  • Bolig Portal.
  • Danish Homes.
  • Find Your Home.
  • Ledige Lejligheder.
  • Lejebolig.
  • Nordic Housing.

Buy a house in Denmark

Buying a house in Denmark could be the best option for someone who has enough money for it. Without being necessarily naïve, it is good to already state that buying own house in Denmark is a very expensive thing. In most cases, people borrow from banks and take mortgage for buying homes. It is not so easy to save up enough money to buy a house in Denmark because they are damn expensive. But let’s say you have the money to buy  house or qualify to get a mortgage in Demark. What happens next?

Buying a detached house, plot for construction, holiday home, or owner-occupied apartment in Denmark require people to meet certain special rules. The guiding rule for how buying and ownership in Denmark is that you must have domicile in Denmark or had residence in Denmark for a period not less than five years. The Department of civil Affairs will by law assess whether you meet this law demand or not.

Simply put, owning a home or buying own house in Denmark as a foreigner requires one to meet two strict requirements including;

  • have domicile in Denmark, or
  • have had residence in Denmark for at least five years.

For more information about procedures and requirements for buying a house in Denmark, please visit The page will give you a step by step journey on how to go about buying a home and the regulatory requirements that come with it. Remember, buying a home in Denmark is an expensive affair and you never want to take a gamble with it.  

Cost of renting a house in Denmark

Housing in Denmark is expensive. The reason for this high cost may not be straightforward but maybe it has something to do with the disposable income and utilities required to maintain a house in an habitable condition. You must be well aware that housing will at the very least take up to 35% of your monthly income. Of course in real sense, the rent you will pay is pegged on many other considerations including the city, exact location, floor space, utilities available, type of house et cetera.

The cost of renting in Denmark falls within the following estimations.

  • Single room for one person in shared apartment-DKK 4,000 to DKK 6,000. 
  • Double room with a kitchen and bathroom inside suitable for children or couples-DKK 8,000 to DKK 10,000.
  • Apartments having 2-3 rooms-13,000 to DKK 15,000.
  • Large apartments with between 4-6 rooms, kitchen and bathroom-DKK 16,000.

For more information about housing in Denmark, please click here.

Bank Account in Denmark

Banking in Denmark is the next important step after getting registered and having a house. You can’t be able to do any reasonable transactions in Denmark without having an operational account with recognized banks in the country. Remember that it is a requirement that you first have a CPR number before you can have a bank account in Denmark

When deciding which bank to open an account with in Denmark, it would be advisable to select one which offers services that meet your individual needs. Check among other things the ease of accessing our money through NetBank, possibility of getting loans and periodic charges on your account maintenance.

It is not possible to be cheated by banks in Denmark because they are regulated and operate strictly under financial regulations. You may not easily lose your money at any bank in Denmark. The only thing which differentiates banks in the country is the nature of services they provide and charges levied on customers. Just take your time to read through the banks’ service manual to be sure of what is in it for you.

There are various banks in Denmark to choose from. The banks are;

  • Danske Bank A/S
  • Nykredit Bank A/S
  • A/S Arbejdernes Landsbank
  • Jyske Bank
  • Sydbank
  • Nordea Kredit Realkreditaktieselskab
  • DLR Kredit A/S
  • Spar Nord Bank A/S
  • Saxo Bank A/S
  • Realkredit Danmark A/S
  • Sparekassen Sjælland
  • Spar Nord Bank A/S
  • Sparekassen Vendsyssel
  • Vestjysk Bank A/S
  • Basisbank A/S
  • BRFkredit Bank A/S
  • Broager Sparekasse
  • Coop Bank A/S
  • Danske Andelskassers Bank A/S
  • Djurslands Bank A/S
  • Dragsholm Sparekasse
  • Dronninglund Sparekasse
  • Ekspres Bank A/S
  • Finansbanken A/S
  • Folkesparekassen
  • Frørup Andelskasse
  • Frøs Herreds Sparekasse
  • Frøslev-Mollerup Sparekasse
  • Fynske Bank A/S
  • Grønlandsbanken, Aktieselskab
  • Hals Sparekasse
  • Hvidbje1rg Bank Aktieselskab

Opening a Bank Account in Denmark 

Banks in Denmark work under the regulation by the Danish financial laws which require them to fully be aware of their customers. So at the time of opening a bank account, everyone must by law fully disclose their personal identity, expected income, projected transactions and such. As a general requirement, you will need all or more of the following details at the time of opening a bank account.

  • CPR number. 
  • Yellow health insurance card (‘sundhedskort’), 
  • Valid passport or national ID card, and employment contract (or documents for educational program if you are a student).
  • Your passport or national ID card.
  • Job contract.
  • Proof of your address in your home country .
  • Your Danish tax card.

A customer gets a bank card in the form of a Visa or Mastercard upon opening an account.Dankort is widely used in Denmark is the country’s national debit card of Denmark. This card which can be that allows deposits and withdrawals at the ATM lobby outside the banking hours. You will also be able to download the Netbank App on your phone to transact online without visiting a banking hall. Generally, banks in Denmark do not open every day throughout the week. There are days when the banks open barely 3 hours while some days they don’t open at all. It’s in such cases when your bank card and netbank become extremely helpful.

Banking in Denmark is so critical that you will not be able to work and earn your money in the country without having a bank account. Every person who works in Denmark, irrespective of the kind of work they do is bankable. No employer will pay you cash money because the law forbids it. It’s a fact that some people always try to cheat the system by getting black jobs that are paid in cash. This is a reckless choice because when caught, the penalties imposed it is so high. You want to get everything correct in Denmark from the word go and one such way is by having a bank account.

Having a bank account makes it easy for the tax authority to administer taxes on your income as well as tracking fraud and money laundering. As a newcomer in Denmark, it would make more sense to be on the frontline in helping the authorities carry out their tasks smoothly. Do not try to be smart for the law may soon catch up and it may not be so amusing.

Getting a job in Denmark

As already highlighted about the cost of renting in Denmark, already you can get the sense that cost of living in the country is high. You, as a matter of fact will not  be able to live in Denmark without having a reliable source of income. Denmark has a social protection system but this does not mean anybody can decide to be lazy and get supported by the system.

Simply put, you must work for your desired lifestyle in Denmark. Labour protections in the country makes it possible for every worker to earn a decent living without frustrations whatsoever. It is upon every person to take advantage of the good employee environment in Denmark and secure a job from the so many work opportunities that become available every day. Some tips for getting a job in Denmark can be very helpful for any newcomer.

One thing about working in Denmark is that one should remain open to apply for a job they feel competent about. However for a start, it’s important to get your hands around any job that promises to give some money even as you focus on getting the jobs that largely match your profile in terms of academics and skills.

For skilled and highly educated people coming to Denmark without a job contract at hand, there are so many professional vacancies to check out. Highly qualified immigrants fleeing from Denmark have a possibility of getting jobs in Denmark. For such people as Engineers, doctors, dentists, IT guru, Marketing experts, Salespeople, Veterinary officers, teachers, caregivers, nurses et cetera, getting a job in Denmark is only a heartbeat away.

All that an immigrant to Denmark needs is to Register self as unemployed at the jobcenter in Denmark. As soon as a vacancy becomes available, the jobcenter quickly contact applicants. In the meantime, check out job sites, do cold pitching with a good resume and job application. Something will surely come up. The case is not so different for other categories of potential employees that arrive in Denmark. Gain that confidence to approach a company and drop your application or just send it to their email, no worries it will reach them anyway.

Job Sites in Denmark

Apart from signing up at the jobceter, other job sites to look out for in Denmark include;

  • Ofir
  • Jobindex
  • Jobnet
  • Stepstone
  • IT Jobs
  • Public Sector Jobs
  • State Sector Jobs
  • Copenhagen Jobs for Professional English
  • Jobs in Southern Jylland
  • Career Jet
  • WorkwithUS
  • Jobscenen
  • Jobs in Copenhagen

Most jobs in Denmark ability to speak Danish stands out as a key priority especially where one has to interact with Danes so much. Nonetheless, most jobs accept foreign workers even as they take language lessons. A highly skilled and professional immigrant may likely benefit from this possible of learning Danish while working. Every year, jobs that don’t have enough workers and allow employees find their way in the Positive List.

Learning Danish

Upon arriving in Denmark, it should be a priority that a newcomer  registers and starts learning Danish. While it may be possible to communicate in English while in Denmark, one soon realises how difficult it becomes having to tell everyone to shift to English instead of Danish. The first impression whenever you interact worth anyone in Denmark, including former immigrants is that you speak Danish. So it gets tiresome and somehow uneasy to excuse oneself to be talked to in English.

As already noted in the sections above, in the event that an employer offers you a job in Denmark, the expectation is that after some time, you will be able to learn and use Dansk. Therefore, the work at hand concerning learning Danish language is cut out from day one of arriving in Denmark.

Even making friends in Denmark will require you to be able to speak Dansk. Although people would prefer to only mumble and keep the reality low, Danes like people who speak Dansk. So it’s not possible to consider self fully integrated in Denmark without being able to speak Dansk. That would be cheating oneself.  Again, as much as the decision to learn Danish is a free choice, with it, one will understand Denmark better, feel easy at social events and feel more at home.

Check out language schools around you in Denmark or simply contact your municipality for guidance. Also, use alternatives such as Duolingo and friends to fine tune you Dansk. The language school is only to introduce you to Dansk; real learning takes practice outside the school.

Health insurance in Denmark

Healthcare in Denmark is a priority for the government which is why hospitals are well equipped and highly professional staff recruited. The government of takes no chances with healthcare and one can be sure to walk in for a doctor’s appointment for top notch care.

Everybody who residence in Denmark legally-that is has a CPR number is qualified to get public healthcare. It is almost automatic that once you are signed into the civil register, a doctor will be allocated for you and a health insurance card, popularly known as yellow card (sundhedskort)

 will be sent to your address. It is this card that indicates where your doctor is and must always be carried during doctor’s visits. The card also indicates your registered address.

Children have access to extra free healthcare including dentist. Psychotherapy, physiotherapy may need to be included in an extra arrangement. All in all, nobody who has a CPR will ever be denied access to healthcare in Denmark for whatever reasons.

Studying in Denmark

Education is the fuel that keeps Denmark running in terms of training great researchers and a pool of highly skilled people for the economy. So, as soon as you enter Denmark alone or with your family, it is instinctive to check out which institutions of learning to go.

Education in Denmark all the. way from kindergarten, pre-primary, primary, junior and senior high school, colleges and universities As a newcomer with a family, maybe you have not yet learned Danish which makes it difficult to attend normal school system. It is therefore advisable that you first attend special school that blends teaching various courses and learning Danish.

For someone coming to Denmark with the qualifications for higher education, there are chances of getting courses that are taught in English. All in all, it takes personal effort and dedication to break the language barrier before starting to learn proper.

Depending on where you come from and your status in Denmark, you may be required to pay tuition fees or not. Generally, people from EU/EEA/Switzerland are not supposed to pay tuition fees to study. Also, other people who do not pay tuition fees in Denmark include;

  • People who have permanent residence
  • Individuals with temporary residence with the possibility of obtaining permanent residence i.e someone married to a Danish.
  • A holder of a residence permit as per Section 1 §9 m of the Aliens Act as the accompanying child of a foreign national who has a residence permit on the basis of employment etc., see Section 1 §9 a of the Aliens Act.

Aside from the free tuition for EU/EEA/Switzerland, they are also entitled to a monthly stipend of up to  5,839 Danish krones which is administered by a scheme known as SU (Statens Uddannelsesstøtte).

It is a great thing for people coming into Denmark with children to really prioritize getting assistance from their respective municipalities of residence on which schools exactly they can attend. For all children under the age of 6 years in Denmark, whether legally residing or otherwise, education is compulsory and free. It is actually against the law to keep young

For more information about getting admission to any level of education in Denmark, check out the following helpful links;

Danish Education

Study in Denmark

Mobile Phone Subscription in Denmark

Mobile phone subscription in Denmark is a necessity for anyone living in the country. As is the case today, communication is a great part of life which is why having a reliable provider of voice calls and internet becomes key.

In most cases, people who have plans of living in Denmark for a period exceeding 3 months use postpaid services where the mobile phones service provider sends a bill at the end of the month. On the other hand, for short stays in Denmark, it doesn’t make much sense to have a postpaid service. In fact the requirements by most if not all mobile phone subscribers for people wanting postpaid services may not be available for short stayers in Denmark. For instance, you will be required to provide a CPR number which is only available for long stays.

While there are many mobile phone services providers in Denmark, it is upon every person to select one that meets own needs. For instance, if you will need to have much voice calls back home, the best provider should be one that charges low prices on international calls. For mobile phone data, it is a good thing to choose a package that one can really use in the month. By knowing what services best suit your own needs, you will likely settle for a good deal and save you money.

More information about internet, data and voice call providers in Denmark, it is recommendation that you spare a few minutes to read here.

Some of the mobile phone services providers in Denmark include;

  •  Telenor
  •  CBB
  • Telmore
  • Yousee
  • Greentel
  • Ortel

The mobile phone services providers are available in almost every city in Denmark which means, it’s possible to just walk into their premises. As a good practice, the customer service personnel will also guide you to identify a package that actually meets your needs without having to spend more unnecessarily.

Credit Card and Loans in Denmark

Denmark is one country where the saying that money runs the world has some practical meaning. Everything else one may think of having in Denmark will cost money which begs the question how possible it is to be broke in the country.

There are so many things that may push someone off budget in Denmark including monthly bills and unexpected expenses. Without the so much necessary funds, life in Denmark just gets unbearable because everything one may need at any time requires money. To get over the struggle that comes with having to pay a lot of bills on a lean income, there are various lenders to rely on in Denmark.

In Denmark, it’s possible to get a personal/consumer loan, business loan, home/mortgage loan and rental Deposit Loan. So, before deciding to go for a loan, it’s good to make it a point to know why it is needed. In deciding a preferred lender whether bank or mobile phone lenders, check out their interest rates and repayment periods. In actual sense, you do not need to bother so much about whether you qualify for a loan or not, just  identify and contact any possible lender and you will be guided appropriately.

Another way to borrow in Denmark without a hassle is obtaining a credit card. Something good with having credit cards instead of applying for loans every time you need it is the convenience. Most bank loans just like mobile phone lenders require that an applicant fills out a lot of details every time when in need of funds. This can take a real toll especially when there isn’t much time to document qualification for a loan. With the correct credit card in Denmark and properly organized borrowing limits, you get to use the credit card to perform so many transactions. It’s good to know more about credit cards and crdit card issuers available in Denmark.

Get Humanitarian help in Denmark

Humanitarian support is key in Denmark as is even emphasized by the country’s social welfare system. The country is designed in such a way that nobody is expected to suffer silently-at least if the government does not quickly come to your aid then partner organizations will.

Every year, families and individuals enter Denmark from countries experiencing war and gladly get a safe haven from the support of the humanitarian organizations in the country. The only thing that must stand out is that people in need must speak out to get help. If you keep quiet in Denmark, there is an assumption that everything is completely perfect for you.

In the current crisis, families displaced from Ukraine and finding new homes in Denmark need more than just material support. There is a need for psychological support, integration et cetera. It is at such subtle yet necessary points of need that humanitarian organizations in Denmark come in handy. Please check about these organizations and to your surprise, they are always a phone call away to your help.

You do not need to pay anything to be helped by the humanitarian organizations in Denmark. All you need to do from your end is let them know where you are and the situation at hand. They will respond as fast as possible to save your situation.

  • Danish Refugee Council
  • CARE Danmark
  • Danish Red Cross
  • DanChurchAid

In case you are in Denmark and  in dire need of help with food, housing or any such basic needs, the quickest help should come to you from the municipality. They will in most cases be  even be good enough to link you with other humanitarian organizations in the country.  in Denmark.

A wrap about Denmark

Denmark is an interesting country with bustling cultures from all over the world. Sometimes, especially in winter when it gets extremely cold, the country may look dead with no to many interested to talk to you. But when summer kicks in and everybody is out there in their booty shorts, light pants, open shoes enjoying the summer, the country just bursts into frenzy.

All that one needs to do is be open minded when in Denmark and create a Denmark which is likeable. Like any country in the world, you will probably feel the social difference and a little bit of racists but not many.

Come to Denmark and have your own experience of it for surely the country has a space for anyone who is willing and able to do something extra.
