Jostedalsbreen Glacier

If you imagine that the Great Barrier reef is the most breathtaking feature in the seas Jostedalsbreen Glacier may give a rude shock. You can’t imagine massive amounts of water frozen into a large glacier. It is unimaginable how much volume of water would be released if just half of this glacier was to melt. Jostedalsbreen is surely a must visit for the lovers of nature. It just adds to the many marvelous attractions that Norway has to offer.

Jostedalsbreen Glacier-The Largest in Europe

The Jostedalsbreen Glacier is the largest glacier in all of continental Europe, measuring over 6,800 feet tall. It has been a tourist attraction ever since 1906, when footpaths were put in to allow people to scale the glacier. Jostedalsbreen is conveniently located near several Norwegian communities, allowing people who want to tour the national park in the area many options when it comes to accommodations and level of luxury.


The closest community to the Jostedalsbreen Glacier is the village of Jostedal, which has a population of just a little over 400 people. Despite the small population, Jostedal brings many tourists to the area because of its many different notable landmarks, of which Jostedalsbreen Glacier is arguably the most impressive.

Jostedal is home to three major lakes, a number of different canyons, and trees with brilliant green leaves throughout the spring and summer. In the summer months, you can take a bus from the village right up to the glacier.

Nigardsbreen Gjesteheim

After a long day through the cold weather surrounding the glacier and the majority of this region, many people look for a little bit of luxury. They find it at the Nigardsbreen Gjesteheim, which is one of the best hotels in the region. This lodging area offers amazing food that some consider to be better than many of the top restaurants in the area.

The downstairs common rooms are always lively and often have activities that multiple guests can partake in. Even the bedrooms offer the luxury that visitors need, with warm blankets and comfortable mattresses to make for a good night’s sleep in even the coldest of weather.

Icetroll Activities

People who are taking a trip to Jostedalsbreen Glacier can take some time to have fun at the bottom of the glacier, where a variety of “Icetroll” activities allow those who are interested to try out sports in the ice-cold lake. This includes kayaking and whitewater rafting. The combination of these activities with the ability to hike one of the most amazing glaciers on the face of this planet is enough to quench most people’s thirst for outdoor adventure.

Jostedal Hotel

People who want to find a place to stay in Jostedal but who don’t want to choose the Nigardsbreen Gjesteheim can instead take a look at the Jostedal Hotel, which has very reasonable prices and high quality food and lodging.

The prices charged by the hotel are kept low enough that they are noticeably better than many other lodgings throughout Norway, which makes this a great option for somebody who is traveling on a budget. The staff has a reputation for being extremely friendly, and the rooms offer a sight of the glacier, making this a great all-in-one package.

Viewing a glacier for the first time can take a person’s breath away, and the Jostedalsbreen Glacier is the largest that most people will ever see in their lives. With so many terrific accommodations nearby and plenty of hiking, kayaking, and other activities available, this is a great location to visit if you enjoy giving yourself a workout.


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