Moving to Finland

Finland is a migrant’s dream come true. If you’re looking for a place that values justice, peace, environmental safety, equality, and other humanitarian values, you’re welcome to Finnish soil. Finland ranks amongst the top countries in a number of categories ranging from human wellbeing to social justice. After Sweden and Norway, Finland is the third most socially just country in the world.

Not just this! The country is also a staunch believer in the superiority of humanitarian values of equality and freedom. The Finnish population doesn’t compromise on its ethics and belief of a free life with free will, speech, and choices. 

The education, security, law and order, accountability, healthcare, childcare, economy, foreign policy is also commendable in Finland. Local and national governmental authorities, professionals from all fields, and the common people come together to ensure this tranquility. 

Reading all of this, you may want to book the very next flight to Finland. But hold on, it isn’t that simple. If you want to step into Finland for purposes other than touring, you need to process a few important factors. Here are some points you must never forget while moving to Finland.

Your Daily Expenses

Finland, alongside other countries of the European Union (EU), is an economically sound country. The cost of human security, prosperity, and welfare, is paid for by the collective efforts of all Finnish people.

Even if you pay for a trip to Finland, a week alone will easily cost you around 2000 USD for two people. This includes accommodation, transport, food, healthcare, security, and every other living expense. 2000 USD is an average cost for an average trip. The better the quality of your services, the more you’ll have to spend. 

From this estimate, you can imagine how expensive it can be to live in Finland. If you’re moving for work, studies, or for permanent living, the costs will definitely multiply. However, this doesn’t mean that the high prices aren’t justified. From water quality to higher education, every aspect of Finnish life speaks volumes of the quality control of living standards.

Finnish Language

If you plan on living and exploring only city life, you don’t necessarily need to learn the Finnish language. English is widely spoken and understood in urban Finnish settings, so you can go about your daily business without any issues. However, if you’re going to work, study, or relocate for a fresh start, it’s more than necessary to learn the national language. 

You can find courses on the Finnish language for foreigners that can easily prepare you for conversing with staunch Finnish people. This will help you in finding job opportunities all across Finland. 

Moreover, it’s also important to integrate within your local Finnish community if you’re living for a long time. In any case, learning the language will surely work in your favor. 

Visa and Citizenship

Getting Finnish citizenship is a piece of cake for those who live in EU member countries. They can move freely within Finland as well as seek the job and educational opportunities. If you want to visit or relocate from any other part of the world, you’ll need to apply for a visa and citizenship. 

Due to the current pandemic, the embassies and online portals of the Finnish government are following strict protocols. The Finnish visa policy is also fairly stringent in light of the necessary precautionary measures. You can look up the details online in order to prepare all the necessary application material.

The Winters

Wintertime sadness is a real thing in Finland. During the winter season, the temperature drops down to roughly minus ten degrees. This chilly weather, accompanied by the dark skies, paints a grim picture of the winter life in Finland. The days are short, and people don’t stay out for long, either. 

This has inevitable psychological, physical, and economic effects on many people in the country. The suicide rates in Finland go up during winters, an alarming sign of the severity of this matter. 

Physically, those who relocate from hot, tropical climates may find the weather quite unbearable. Moreover, as an expat, you may find it difficult to make ends meet if you can’t earn enough during winters. 

The only solution to all these possibilities is resilience and strength. Try to move to Finland when winters are ending. This will give you enough time to settle and set up a routine. Prepare yourself psychologically and remember that every tough time ends sooner or later. 

As for your finances, make sure you have enough savings and job leads. If you are self-employed, make sure you have an active income source. 

Job Opportunities

Finland provides ample work opportunities to anyone who’s willing to put in the effort. The country is commendable for its faith in human equality. You can find and land any job you want, given you fulfill the criteria for eligibility and experience. You can check out job opportunities here.

You can work as a medical professional, a teacher, an accounting manager, a daycare volunteer, or any other professional you prefer. The earnings are quite fair and allow you to live up to the living standards of Finland.