So many would not think twice about getting an opportunity to live and work in Scandinavia. The news out there glorifies how Scandinavian countries rank so high in many aspects such as healthcare, job security, social protection and more. Actually, you may know one or two people who moved to Scandinavia and whatever they say paints the picture of such a dream country. Yes, Scandinavian countries provide people with an opportunity to flourish and be happy. But, the catch comes when cost of living comes to the equation.

An honest immigrant worker in Scandinavia will admit that the cost of living really drains individuals’ paycheck. Employers in Denmark and labor unions really work to deliver welfare for the workers but then all these end up in monies used to pay so many bills. In fact, a lot of people have to take two or even three jobs to at least make some extra money to save or enjoy some reasonable lifestyle.
Ordinarily, a lot of immigrants struggling to maneuver the complex and restrictive immigration policies in Scandinavia have a palpable yearning to prosper. No wonder, a third country national will sacrifice to get that coveted schengen visa and where possible get a permanent residence or citizenship.
Ask any immigrants in Scandinavia and chances are that they will admit to be highly attracted by the prospects of thriving in Scandinavia. In fact, most immigrants not only wish to use their stay to get greener pastures for themselves but also as a chance to change the life of the often many dependents back home. You will hear the talk of black tax on immigrants a lot of times. There is this unwritten expectation that once in Scandinavia, you must in some way remit money to change home.

While a native Scandinavian may not as much be hard pressed to support family members with their earnings, the third country nationals face this a lot. So, before taking a leap and moving to Scandinavia, one has to not only do the math about personal expenses but also remittances abroad. Just know that you will be using Remitly, Wise and other international money transfer services a lot of times. This has a bearing on your overall financial health when living in Scandinavia.
You may be inspired by the lifestyle that people in Scandinavia display and imagine that they have so much to spend at any one time. In fact, without living in the countries, you may get a false impression that Scnaindvians are just super rich going by the cars they drive, houses they live, mobile phone models they use and so on.
Truth be told, Scandinavians have a taste for good things in life. Even as an immigrant, you will often feel lured to buying expensive top brand items. You may find it necessary to belong and end up going for brands like Nike, Apple, Zora and such. Unfortunately for an immigrant worker, checking out money to buy expensive stuff risks making you broke. Actually, chances of living paycheck to paycheck and even having to take payday loans are high.
Most of the time and pushed by the financial realities, an immigrant worker in Scandinavia has to find smart ways to cut one’s expenses. You can’t afford to live your dream life when way too many expenses keep chasing your never growing payslip. This explains why even with a decent job, immigrants may resort to buying from second hand shops.
To remain happy without breaking a bank as an immigrant in Scandinavia, you may choose to take property loans such as car loans or house purchase loans. Companies in Scandinavia also have flexible payment plans for expensive items such as Apple products or other electronics. These would make sense for you to go for instead of solely relying on the salary.
斯堪的纳维亚国家提供一些最有竞争力的薪酬。 无论你是按小时工作还是按月支付工资,薪水都很不错。 您会发现,每小时的收费标准明显高于其他地方的收费标准。
丹麦(约 200丹麦克朗/小时)、瑞典(约 151瑞典克朗/小时)和挪威(约 200挪威克朗/小时)的工资标准。 这一数字高于欧洲大多数国家。 虽然大多数工作都有集体协议,以确定行业和套餐的最低工资,但这些工作一般都能让人们过上有意义的生活。

也许到此为止,你已经明白了在斯堪的纳维亚追逐工作和赚取高薪 的所有理由。 嗯,这只是其中的一角。 请记住,这里的解释不应该吓倒任何想要探索的雄心勃勃的人。 我们希望能帮助您做出明智的决定。
在大多数情况下,人们在提到斯堪的纳维亚的工作时,会认为它们吸引的待遇、工资率和福利都是一样的。 是的,现行的劳资协议将保证员工享有优厚的待遇,但其他福利则取决于你所从事的工作类型。
一些人持工作许可证前往斯堪的纳维亚从事工厂工作、医疗保健提供者、酒店和餐饮业从业人员、工程师、项目经理等。 此外,有些人是通过互惠生、研究员或博士后研究员等有时间限制的计划来的。 所有这些工作都有明确的收入方案。
- 非技术/半技术工作
- 专业工作
- 技术工作
要知道,在斯堪的纳维亚就业有很多障碍,比如职场文化和语言。 因此,你必须做好准备,真正快速地学习,以提升到与你的能力相匹配的工作岗位。
在斯堪的纳维亚工作的头几周或头几个月,可能会遇到不小的冲击。 一般来说,工作节奏快,经验丰富,需要最高的效率。 在某种程度上,你会觉得人们做事如此迅速而有效。 就看你怎么搭配了。
现在,我们进入了苦涩的部分,可能没有多少人喜欢这部分。 但大家都知道,移民是一件昂贵的事情。 您将在家里与工作一起狂欢,摆脱长期建立的关系,前往一个全新的地方。
为了让您对移居斯堪的纳维亚做出明智的决定,您需要最实用的信息。 全面了解斯堪的纳维亚生活的意义将有助于您做出决定。
聪明的人应该是外籍人士或移民,你所急需的可能只是获得尽可能多的信息。 有了足够的信息,尤其是那些与大众认知不符的信息,你就能做好更充分的准备,即使遇到困难也能迎刃而解。
大多数人总是犯一个错误,那就是把斯堪的纳维亚半岛提供的薪资标准直接看成是他们在国内的收入。 也许他们只是按照当时的货币汇率来计算,并为能在国外工作而感到兴奋。
很多人往往忽略了一点,那就是您的收入必须主要用于您所居住的斯堪的纳维亚国家。 例如,您需要在国内支付水电费、房租、差旅费、房产贷款和其他费用。
您很快就会意识到,斯堪的纳维亚半岛的商品价格和服务成本与您在国内支付的相同费用无法相比。 事实上,很多人在来到斯堪的纳维亚的最初几天,都在痛苦地试图将他们在斯堪的纳维亚购买服务或物品所支付的费用与在本国购买服务或物品所支付的费用相协调。
斯堪的纳维亚半岛的商品和服务收费,就像任何平衡的功能经济一样,与收入水平(可支配收入)相适应。 专家会告诉你,现金流必须保持平衡,以避免通货膨胀失控,而这正是夺走你薪水的原因。
在斯堪的纳维亚,仅房租一项就将占您收入的四分之一强,其他水电费,如网费、暖气费和电费也将占去相当大的比重。 如果贷款也需要服务,那么你的薪水就会大幅减少。
我们需要的只是自己和所爱的人过上好日子。 因此,我们往往倾向于选择那些以提供最佳生活标准和较高收入而闻名的地方。 但是,我们需要自私地多考虑一下大局,考虑一下这样的举动会如何影响一切。
- 评估您在斯堪的纳维亚的新工作所提供的薪酬
- 检查法定扣除额和将对您的收入征收的税款
- 仔细计算一下您在该国的一般开支是多少。
- 重新关注在斯堪的纳维亚拥有居住和工作许可会给您带来哪些其他与工作无关的福利,即看看健全的社会保障体系能提供哪些福利。
- 把所有这些放在一起,看看是否真的应该把工资作为拉动其他方面的因素。 听从理性的指引。
斯堪的纳维亚日益成为吸引国际劳动力的磁石。 当地雇主提供的薪水很容易吸引许多国际人士前往工作。 其原因是,人们认为这种薪酬远远超出了大多数国家的水平。 因此,人们往往只为薪水而 “倾倒”。
是的,在斯堪的纳维亚,工资可能很有竞争力,但这并不是全部。 如果把生活费用加上其他开支计算在内,人们的注意力很快就会转移。 你会意识到,斯堪的纳维亚真正吸引人的地方应该是它的社会保障,而美国等其他热门移民目的地至少没有斯堪的纳维亚这样的社会保障。