Buying from Second Hand Shops (Genbrug) in Denmark 

Shopping in Denmark can be such a great experience because one gets to buy some of the best stuff around. Actually, Danes or even foreigners who live in Denmark tend to afford some of the niceties that people would dream of having. In one of our articles, we explained how property and soft loans available in Denmark really works things out for the people to buy dream properties. But this may not always be the case especially when the needs chasing the same money are way too much.

Instead of rushing to payday loans just to buy whatever it is, resorting to second hand shops is ideal. If you never knew it then let me tell you that even with their high disposable incomes, Danes also visit and actually buy from second hand stores. As a foreigner, you should not have this feeling that such shops are left for the poor and suffering in Denmark. Not at all. 

While Denmark is considered one of the happiest countries in the world, it is also one of the most expensive places to live in. The European Union has reported that Denmark has some of the highest price levels when it comes to consumer goods. For instance, Denmark is the second most expensive country after Sweden when it comes to clothing. 

Thus, more people are opting to buy second hand things when it comes to clothes, furniture and even toys. While it might be tempting and more satisfying to buy new things, the costs involved may not always let you. Besides, by buying second hand things you are saving the environment in your own small way. 

Second Hand Shopping in Denmark 

Second hand shopping is becoming mainstream in most of Denmark’s cities. For example, the local government in Copenhagen set up the Genbrug Center. The center gives people access to free stuff left by others. This is a gold mine if you are a vintage or second hand lover since you are likely to pick up some great stuff. 

Genbrug Centers seem to emerging all over Denmark with Copenhagen  hosting thirteen of these. In most countries, second shopping is considered a marker for poverty, in Denmark though it’s becoming mainstream. This is one of the reasons why I love Danes; they are practical people. 

Where to find Second Hand Things in Denmark

The beauty of Second hand shopping in Denmark is that it is available everywhere. First, there are certain apartments that provide designated areas for tenants to leave stuff they no longer use for other tenants to take for free. Moreover, neighborhood flea markets are common especially in the summer. 

Social media and the internet at large has also simplified the second hand economy. Sites such as Facebook have second hand shopping groups. Here, one can get many stuff for free and also get rid of what they don’t use anymore.  

You can also get second hand items from charity shops such as Røde Kors, Kirkens Korshær, Red Barnet, and the entirely Danish Folkekirkens Nodhjælp. The trick to this kind of shopping however, is location and connection. The richest parts of town are known to have some of the nicest stuff.  

What are the Best Items to get in the Second Hand Market? 

Clothing is the best second hand item one can get from this market. Denmark has many second hand clothing shops where you can find beautiful vintage clothes. The best shops are however, located near student areas since students are big on clothes. 

Housewares are also doing commendably well in the Danish second-hand economy. It would do your house a lot of good to keep a combination of new and vintage stuff. Most beautiful houseware are usually family heirlooms. Thus, be on the lookout for family members who are getting rid of stuff from a dead relative or something. 

Similarly, you can land valuable stuff like porcelain tea sets, perhaps Royal Copenhagen, or high-end silver cutlery. Most second hand shops in Denmark have a range of these products at very affordable prices., “the blue paper” is the central place where you can go for your second hand shopping needs. The eBay-owned online market provides a range of second hand items. The best thing about the site is that it offers a wider variety of items from the whole country. You just need to visit the site and search for the items you need then place an order. 

The main disadvantage of the site however, is that you might end up with stolen items. Not all the items are stolen though so don’t be too alarmed. Second hand shopping veterans mostly recommend buying children’s clothes on DBA. 

Be on the Lookout for Professional Sellers 

Professional second hand sellers make it a habit to buy stuff from DBA at a lower price and sell at a high price. Thankfully, they call dibs on the best items immediately they are posted online. Therefore, you can visit flea markets and buy good second hand items from them. 

What to look out for When Second Hand Shopping

Professional sellers usually have very valuable stuff but you have to be careful when buying from them. Some of them can dupe you into buying worthless stuff by trying to convince you that what they have is valuable. You could end up paying more money for things that have no real value. This is more likely to happen to you if they can tell you are a foreigner therefore, make a habit of going shopping with your Danish friends. 

Some second hand shopping spots in Denmark are famous for these kinds of scam. The sad truth is that they are mostly popular tourist joints such as the Gammel Strand flea market. The trick therefore, is to visit several sites or places like to compare prices before settling on something. The most common payment mode for second hand stuff is MobilePay. You must be careful with the system however, because it lacks buyer protections and no refunds are allowed.