Social Security in Denmark

a kasse denmark

As much as the economy and politics in Denmark are largely stable, this has not taken away the uncertainties that people face in everyday life. There is always a possibility of losing a job, being unable to meet daily needs, injury at work, or inability to care for children. Denmark has a structured system which … Read more

Perfect Time for Sex, How to Track Ovulation & Fertility – Complete Guide

Happy soon to be parents

The fertility rate in the Scandinavian countries is low – so low that we feel obliged to educate you new expats in the art of making babies, so you can make an effort contributing to the Scandinavian gene pool. People from all around the world are traveling to Denmark for fertility treatments. Thousands of women … Read more

Social Security in Denmark

Getting old in Denmark

Denmark continues to be among countries with the best quality of life in the world. Politically and economically speaking, Denmark is considered stable without dramatic fluctuations that would harm citizens’ quality of life and expats. If you’ve ever wondered about social security in Denmark, then you came to the right place. Scroll down to learn … Read more

The Swedish Healthcare System

Healthcare Sweden

If you’re heading to Sweden any time soon, there are some things you must know about Swedish healthcare. The country’s healthcare facilities and resources are centred mainly around the concept of sustainability and equal access for all.  The country’s healthcare system is outstanding and usually ranks good due to its viable and affordable policies. Here’s … Read more

Danish Healthcare System

Healthcare Denmark

Whichever part of the world you’re residing in, healthcare is an essential concern. The state of Denmark realizes the importance of healthcare, and hence, provides free public healthcare for all its citizens and residents. The central government supervises the healthcare system. However, the responsibility of the provision of services falls upon the local governments of … Read more