The concept of A-kasse explained

A-kasse Denmark

Like other Scandinavian countries, Denmark offers the best social security system which is sensitive to the needs of every resident. As someone working in Denmark, you will be qualified for the Danish Social regulations. One important part of this social security is the unemployment insurance fund; also known as A-Kasse. A-Kasse will make sure that … Read more

Social Security in Denmark

Getting old in Denmark

Denmark continues to be among countries with the best quality of life in the world. Politically and economically speaking, Denmark is considered stable without dramatic fluctuations that would harm citizens’ quality of life and expats. If you’ve ever wondered about social security in Denmark, then you came to the right place. Scroll down to learn … Read more

Social Security in Sweden

social security in sweden

Sweden is the land of beautiful landscapes, picturesque lakes, and thousands of coastal islands. This Scandinavian nation is known for its high employment rate and favorable social security benefits that make the quality of life here better than elsewhere. Sweden, like other countries in that area, is considered stable, strong, and steady. Read on to … Read more

Social Security in Norway

Social security in Norway

When we think of Norway, the images of beautiful fjords come to mind immediately. Indeed, Norway is a stunning Scandinavian country and one of the best places to live in the world. Like Denmark and Sweden, Norway is among the nations with the best quality of life. Their social security is more organized than in … Read more