Foods you won’t miss in a Danish meal

When planning to visit Denmark for the first time, the foods there must be something to closely think about. Like in any other country, Denmark has its own cuisine that goes way back in history to the Vikings era. These foods have gone through cosmetic culinary adjustments influenced by interactions with the rest of the world. There are very high chances that Denmark has some surprising foods that will take you time to fully embrace.

A clear thing about Denmark is that people don’t eat so randomly or compromise about the foods that they eat. They will look at food in various ways including aesthetics, taste and associated health issues. Sooner or later, you will also likely be more focused on carefully choosing your food. This kind of choice comes out almost involuntarily.

As much as Danes may occasionally recklessly indulge in eating and drinking , they do not behave similarly everyday. Consumers in Denmark will feel the incessant urge to carefully know what they are just about to ingest. For instance, an average consumer pays a particular attention to ingredients use and more particularly, associated health issues.

As a foreigner in Denmark, it may be a real roller coaster trying to know exactly what food to buy in the shops because they may be strangely looking, smelling or tasting . The names are all written in Danish and the look may be a little confusing. So, battling culture shock and struggling to get a delicacy in Denmark can be way too weighty. To let some burden off your shoulder, try to first have an idea about what the foods in Denmark are and their names.

Meals in Denmark

If there is any saying which the Danish have held for long is that “You are what you eat.’’ They need to eat regularly and in the correct portions that still do not compromise their health status. For an average person in Denmark, food is both a projection of culture and lifestyle which is why it isn’t a small thing.

In Denmark, there are three daily meals consisting of breakfast, lunch and dinner. The choice of what foods form part of these meals in Denmark depends on an individual choice but largely reflect the nutritional needs of a balanced diet and the time of day.

A a person in Denmark will need a lot of energy when setting off to work and in the day. The case is diffeent at noght when a light meal can just do it. Remember, most jobs in Denmark, involves some level of physical activity if not movement hence the need for good energy.

The three meals consist of a beverage drink, be it coffee, tea or cocoa. Danes drink way too much coffee in their daily lives. Coffee drinking among Danes is affective which means before long, you too will find yourself draining a couple of glasses. They always joke about coffee being the fuel that keeps them tip top on a normal day.

A breakfast in Denmark consists of meatballs, bread with cream or soft cheese, sausage or jam. In case warm cooked foods for lunch is your thing, Denmark will has a store of surprises. A Danish lunch consist of cold foods. There are so many frozen foods in Danish stores which they can always grab and eat. Remember, there isn’t always much time to wait for food at a hotel or cook at home. Therefore, the easiest route is picking off the shelf food.

A Danish lunch should just be good enough to supply enough energy to the body through half of the day. However, there is a need to always be careful not to cause you bodily create fatigue or laziness of any kind. The foods are always not so heavy but with a reasonable supply of energy and water.

The foods that will make it to a Danish lunch include fish, pork, buttered rugbrød, protein, vegetable, and garnish. Whether at work, school or at home, it’s important to observe a lunch break because it also gives the body a chance to relax and the muscles rejuvenate after a long morning session. Also, taking some fruit portions and drinking enough water will create the necessary relaxation.

A dinner in Denmark can be varied but warm. As anyone can easily guess, dinner time in Denmark finds most people back home. At such times, people have enough time to set food on the cooker and make a choice from a variety. There is just time to make the food for self instead of buying it at a fast food or supermarket. The dinner in Denmark will likely have smørrebrød as a classic dish plus fruits, veggies and low alcoholic to low alcohol wine.

Typical Danish foods

When you come to Denmark, the foods which are available will greatly determine your happiness. It never gets so interesting to get surprise foods which are not even as tasty. There are so many testimonies out there about a foreigner who came to Denmark and ate foods that didn’t meet expectations.

There are times when you can happily turn up for a Danish party which for sure is always very colorful, lots of drinks but when it comes to real food, surprise hits real hard. There is always a type of Danish fish which dipped in something like soup and looks really raw. This raw looking fish will somehow sneak its way to a dinner party or lunch.

Interestingly, you will see a Danish or foreigner already used to the foods eating them as if they were such a finger licking delicacy. But when you take a bite, feel like spitting it out but then hold back lest it looks rude and out of place. There is this black bread which Danes really like but has no taste at all.

If you are someone used to eating only naturally tasty foods, the situation in Denmark may be a little different. Hold on, this should not be so scary because there is a remedy close home. There are enough spices that you can have a makeover of them to whatever flavor. The spices in the Danish stores will always do wonders for you.

List of Danish foods to watch out for

You don’t need to be an expert in gastronomy to know whatever foods are available. Just to mention, the Danish foods and cuisine have a lot of inspiration from the Viking. They have nonetheless introduced a lace of touch here or coloring there as influenced from different parts of the world.

As much as the Danes cherish their traditional foods, they are also very liberal to welcome cuisines from other regions. For instance, there are so many pizzeria around Danish towns and cities that sell foods from all over the world.

Here is the list of foods which form a normal Danish lunch, breakfast or supper. The various foods in Denmark are available in restaurants, hotels and parties across Denmark. The Danes also proudly project these foods outside the country whenever they travel.

  • Dansk Hakkebøf med Bløde Løg (Minced Beef with Fried Onions)
  • Karbonader med Stuvede Grønærter (Fried Meatballs with a Vegetable Stew)
  • Tarteletter med Høns i Asparges (Tartlets with Chicken and Asparagus)
  •  Flæskesteg med Sprød Svær, Brunede Kartofler og Rødkål (Roast Pork with Crackling, Caramelized Potatoes, and Red Cabbage)
  • Stegt flæsk med persillesovs (Fried Pork Breast with Parsley Sauce)
  • Grydestegt Kylling med Skilt Sauce og Mormor Salat (Pot Roasted Chicken with Gravy, Rhubarb Compote, and Granny Salad)
  • Smørrebrød (Rye Bread with Mixed Toppings)
  • Frikadeller med Brun Sovs, Kartofler og Surt (Meatballs with Gravy, Potatoes, and Pickled Vegetables)
  • Æbleflæsk (Apple Puré with Smoked Bacon and Onion)
  • Indbagt Svinemørbrad (Pork Tenderloin in Puff Pastry)
  • Æbleskiver (Fried Dough with Apple Pieces)
  •  Hønsekødssupper Med Kød Og mMelboller (Chicken Soup with Meat and Dumplings)
  • Stjerneskud (Shooting Star)
  • Medister med Stuvet Hvidkål og Kanelsukker (Pork Sausages with White Cabbage Stew and Cinnamon Sugar)
  • Boller i Karry (Meatballs in Curry Sauce with Rice)

A little advice for a foreigner about Danish foods

As a newcomer in Denmark, it may not be so easy getting used to their cooking, foods and drinks. Some people start by rejecting the Danish foods and opt to look for those that almost look like which those from back home. Without a doubt, this decision cannot last so long because not many shops are available in Denmark that sell foods from around the world.

To overcome the tendency of despising Danish food for whatever reasons, it would be great that you become more open minded, curious to try out the foods instead of just judging them based on the way they look, joining Danish parties often and tagging along with friends on trips across Denmark. Sooner or later, you will realize that the Danish foods are a delicacy. Don’t be surprised that the black bread common with the Danes will soon start tasting better for you. It may even win a long lasting space at your breakfast table.