Mobile Phone and internet subscription in Finland


Mobile phone and internet  subscription are the heartbeat of information in Finland. As expected of a country that leads in the happiness index, communication and access to information are paramount. You will not be able to avoid making a subscription for mobile phone voice and data services as soon as you establish residence in the country. 

As someone who is starting life in Finland, its necessary to keep in constant communication with people back at home. Likewise, it is also important to  keep informed about any news happening far and wide. So mobile phone voice services as well as data are not luxury anymore. They are actually unavoidable needs in Finland.

Finland like most of the developed countries stands out as a connected country with up to 96% households having access to broadband internet. Similarly, people have internet data and calls access on their phones which they use on the go.

Prepaid Mobile phone voice and data Services in Finland

Having a prepaid mobile phone voice and data services in Finland is the most popular among people who have not established long term residence in the country. Prepaid services in Finland means that a user has not signed any form of binding contract with the service provider. In such cases, the subscriber has to pay first before having access to such services.

It is understandable that if you are visiting Finland only for a short period, you don’t have an address there and no income within the country. Therefore, mobile phone service providers have no reliable way for billing you. The only best alternative in such cases is you take the pay as you go option which is what many short term visitors in the country use.

In Finland, prepaid services are accessible on online platforms of the mobile phone voice and data services providers. You do not necessarily need to walk into the physical shops so to get assistance. Once you buy a Telia, DNA  or Elisa SIM card at at R-Kioski downtown Finland, check online for data and voice providers, key in the number and your package will be available right away. In most cases, a notification comes to your phone anytime the purchased data or voice time is almost getting used up.

It is time to make a renew your subscription when when the one in your phone is getting used up. All that it takes to get the recharge is go back to the online platform or the physical shop to get it recharged. It is not easy to stay for a day without either data or voice time on your phone. Remember, you will need to use Google direction around the city, try to check out the best shops nearby and such. All these require you to be connected at all times, Actually, it is weird to stay for an hour, leave alone a day without data on the phone.

Post Paid Mobile phone voice and data Services in Finland

Post Paid services for mobile phone voice and data is the mostly common among people who have physical addresses in Finland. These are people who have a plan or living in Finland in the long term and has all the evidence required to assure the service provider of ability to pay at the end of the month,

With a post-paid subscription, a customer needs to sign a contract which is binding with the service provider. On the contract, it will be shown whatever services you get, how much it costs, when payments fall due and mode of making the payment. Upon signing such a contract, you are allowed to enjoy using the voice and data services then make a payment at a specified time. The time of payment can be every month, quarterly or annually.

Something about post-paid services is that they come mostly at flat rates, packages or unlimited subscription. This means that you are likely to fall victim of taking a subscription that is way above what you require. In this case, you will still be bound to pay even if you did not use that much data and voice calls. So it is smarter to check for what offers are available within your required data and voice. It’s never so amusing to get a big bill only to realize that you actually used less of what that package has to offer.

You will have access to stable 4G or 5G internet access in Finland. This is a great way to rise up to the challenge of giving yourself an exciting experience in Finland.  With a stable internet and voice services, its enough to just sit back pretty with a guarantee of being informed all around the clock.

Mobile data and Voice service providers in Finland

There is quite a number of mobile phone carriers and operators in Finland to which anyone can turn to for voice and internet needs. It’s upon an individual to weigh which of the available service providers convincingly promises to offer the best.

Some of the popular service providers to look up to in Finland include;

Making international calls in Finland

When in Finland, it is only obvious that once in a while or regularly, calling back home is common thing. You will have to make cross border calls which come at a premium. It suffices to be aware that the amount of money that you will need to pay for calling abroad when in Finland can be a couple of time expensive.

In some cases, people who feel smart use roaming services but even this doesn’t take away the cost. It would be smarter to just buy a Finnish SIM card, get a favourable subscription that allows lower costs for international calls and go with it.

Alternatively, you can be even ahead of everything and reduce your costs by using data services on social media platforms to reach people back home. Call on WhatsApp, Facebook, Google meet et cetera. It’s the best choice anyone can make especially now that internet access is increasing and costs coming down.
