
Dental insurance to save your day in Scandinavia

Anyone who has lived in any Scandinavian country and offers to give an honest review…

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Quick tips Ukrainian refugees can use to get a job in Scandinavia

Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war, a lot has happened but one thing that…

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Incredible sauna culture in Finland

Everybody adores Finland for it’s a place exhibiting some of the greatest values of peace,…

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Scandinavian royals

So many expatriates enter Scandinavia and get so taken aback by the high level of…

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No monarch in Finland; but why?

A keen observer on how countries run will quickly recognize that the Nordic countries practice…

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Clarity about Scandinavia, Schengen and Nordics

For someone having plans to immigrate to Europe, so much may seem clear until when…

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Procedure of application to study in the Nordics

Studying in the Nordics is more than just an opportunity to get the best education…

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Education mobility programs in the Nordics

No doubt, education by whatever name opens up greater opportunities to anyone who dares go…

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Getting over language barrier in Scandinavia 

To travel the world is to learn-and visiting or living in Scandinavia could just be…

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Likely bad expat experiences in Scandinavia

Every time diaspora comes to mind, we always have a tendency to only have utopia-kind…

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Culture shock for newcomers in Scandinavia

Anyone who has been to Scandinavia with a clear memory of how the first few…

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Travel insurance when visiting Scandinavia

People travel to Scandinavian countries for so many reasons each day. Probably you know a…

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Cigarette brands smoked in Scandinavia

Some may consider it extremely sensitive but one thing that really surprises expats arriving in…

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Hookup culture in Scandinavia

The dream of relocating to Scandinavia is one which so many bear but only a…

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Tours and travel agencies in Norway

Working with a tours and travel agency on a planned visit to Norway remains a…

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Love for cigarettes among Scandinavians

So many newcomers to Scandinavia may be shocked on their first few days in the…

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Restaurant Kudskehuset shutting down

The fans of Restaurant Kudskehuset  would hate to come to terms with the reality that…

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Exquisite experience at Comwell Nordhavn

At the back of any traveller’s mind is a sheer longing to get an experience…

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Save your hurting budget with Norway Loans 

Norway may not be a favourite place to live in for people who cherish warm…

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Coming to Denmark Under the Au-pair Scheme

There are so many people out there longing to have an experience of Denmark, even…

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Kjøper fra bruktbutikker (Genbrug) i Danmark 

Shopping i Danmark kan være en så stor opplevelse fordi man får kjøpt noe av…

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Acheter dans les magasins de seconde main (Genbrug) au Danemark 

Faire du shopping au Danemark peut être une expérience formidable, car on peut y acheter…

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Buying from Second Hand Shops (Genbrug) in Denmark 

Shopping in Denmark can be such a great experience because one gets to buy some…

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一般来说,斯堪的纳维亚是一个幸福的地区,人们对政府如此信任。 但除了治理问题使斯堪的纳维亚半岛成为一个令国际人士都兴奋的地方之外,欢乐、烧烤、派对和夜店是定义那里生活的香料。 在斯堪的纳维亚半岛,您要么饮酒要么吸烟,但在大多数情况下,两者都适用。 对于来自饮酒和吸烟被标记为不道德的地方的人来说,这可能是一种文化冲击,但那时你就会意识到事情不同了。 到了星期五,您会注意到等待带回家的出租车的数量,这些出租车已经拿了太多瓶子。 当你最终在丹麦结交朋友时,那将是学习丹麦派对文化的最容易的引导者。 正是在这样的聚会、喝酒和泡吧中,丹麦人才会真正敞开心扉。 一个醉醺醺的丹麦人实际上是一个容易的丹麦人……有人可能会因此而谴责我,但这是一个公开的秘密。  丹麦流行文化的反思 丹麦被许多人描述为世界上最幸福的国家之一。 丹麦人以传奇的饮酒文化闻名于世。 但是来吧,谁不喜欢聚会和玩得开心呢? 无论您有多忙,在某些时候您都会希望抽出一些时间来玩得开心。 在丹麦,最受欢迎的课后和下班后活动是喝酒、泡吧或聚会。  与美国等其他国家不同,您只需年满…

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Drikke-, klub- og festkultur i Danmark 

Generelt er Skandinavien en glad region med en befolkning, der har stor tillid til regeringen….

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Drinken, uitgaan en feestcultuur in Denemarken 

Over het algemeen is Scandinavië een gelukkige regio met een groot vertrouwen in de overheid….

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Joomine, klubide pidutsemine ja pidutsemiskultuur Taanis 

Üldiselt on Skandinaavia õnnelik piirkond, kus inimesed on valitsuse suhtes nii usaldavad. Kuid lisaks valitsemisega…

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Лучшие приемы для изучения датского языка как иностранного

Реальность в Дании, о которой большинство людей не захотят вам рассказать или просто умолчат, заключается…

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Найкращі прийоми для вивчення данської мови як іноземця

Реальність у Данії, яку більшість людей не захочуть сказати вам або просто замовчувати, полягає в…

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大多数人不愿意告诉你或只是掩饰的丹麦现实是,学习丹麦语是一个伟大的破冰船。 任何来丹麦生活一年以上的人都必须愿意学习丹麦语。 即使您以学生或研究人员的身份来到丹麦,拥有一定程度的丹麦能力也会为您打开许多机会之门。 记住,国际 丹麦的学生每周有 20 小时的工作时间,在夏季的几个月里有全职工作。 在此期间,您可以与后来甚至在毕业后成为雇主的公司建立重要联系。  如果有的话,丹麦人真的很重视他们的语言。 如果他们意识到作为一个外国人,你仍然可以说一口合理的丹麦语,你可以从他们温暖的微笑中看出这一点。 实际上,任何在丹麦呆过的人都会告诉你,有一个普遍的假设,即每个住在丹麦的人都会说丹麦语。 是的,他们会说英语,当他们清楚你不会说丹麦语时,他们很容易改用英语。 但是,使用丹麦语,您的生活会变得更加轻松。 如果没有人告诉过你,学习丹麦语将是一个人在丹麦做出的最好的决定 丹麦语入门 我们大多数人都非常熟悉一开始学习一门新语言是如何既有趣又令人不知所措的。…

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90/180-day rule for holders of a Schengen Visa

For anyone looking to process immigration to Europe, the Schengen visa is that coveted gateway….

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Правило 90/180 дней для обладателей шенгенской визы

Для тех, кто хочет оформить иммиграцию в Европу, Шенгенская виза является тем самым желанным пропуском….

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90/180 dienu noteikums Šengenas vīzas turētājiem

Ikvienam, kas vēlas ieceļot Eiropā, Šengenas vīza ir kārotais ceļošanas ceļš. Pēc vīzas noformēšanas un…

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Brief Details about the Schengen Visa

Are you planning to visit any or several countries in Europe and wondering the type…

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travel stockholm

5 Days in Scandinavia | Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo Itinerary

Every traveler has dreamt of the perfect Scandinavia trip at some point, and if this…

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Transferring money to and from Scandinavia

Just because of the good relations between the Scandinavian countries, it doesn’t mean there isn’t…

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Munkalehetőségek Dániában külföldi szakemberek vagy szakmunkások számára a Positive List jóvoltából

A korábbi években Dániát könnyen figyelmen kívül hagyhatták a külföldiek, akik zöldebb legelőket kerestek külföldön….

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Positive List’in izniyle Danimarka’da gurbetçi profesyoneller veya vasıflı çalışanlar için iş fırsatları

Önceki yıllarda Danimarka, yurt dışında daha yeşil alanlar arayan yabancılar tarafından kolayca göz ardı edilebiliyordu….

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Työmahdollisuuksia Tanskassa ulkomaille suuntautuville ammattilaisille tai ammattitaitoisille työntekijöille Positive List -palvelun avulla.

Aiempina vuosina ulkomaalaiset, jotka etsivät vihreämpiä laitumia ulkomailta, saattoivat helposti jättää Tanskan huomiotta. Tiedät varmaan,…

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Confirmation ceremony in Denmark 

Denmark for sure is a beautiful country in very many ways. When you land at…

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Immatricolazione di autovetture importate in Danimarca

Come espatriati, potreste voler portare con voi la vostra auto quando vi trasferite in Danimarca….

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Mareritt med å bytte et utenlandsk førerkort til et dansk

Når man planlegger en flytting til Danmark fra utlandet, overser folk sannsynligvis visse ferdigheter som…

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L’incubo di scambiare una patente di guida straniera con una danese

Quando si pianifica un trasferimento in Danimarca dall’estero, è probabile che si trascurino alcune competenze…

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Košmaras keičiant užsienyje išduotą vairuotojo pažymėjimą į danišką

Planuodami persikelti iš užsienio į Daniją, žmonės greičiausiai nepastebi tam tikrų įgūdžių, kurių vėliau prireikia….

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Cauchemar de l’échange d’un permis de conduire étranger contre un permis danois

Lorsque l’on planifie une relocalisation au Danemark depuis l’étranger, il est probable que l’on néglige…

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Mareridt om at ombytte et udenlandsk kørekort til et dansk kørekort

Når man planlægger en flytning til Danmark fra udlandet, overser man ofte visse færdigheder, som…

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La pesadilla de cambiar un permiso de conducir extranjero por uno danés

Cuando se planifica un traslado a Dinamarca desde el extranjero, es probable que la gente…

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Koszmar zamiany zagranicznego prawa jazdy na duńskie

Planując przeprowadzkę do Danii z zagranicy, ludzie prawdopodobnie przeoczają pewne umiejętności, które później stają się…

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Koszmar zamiany zagranicznego prawa jazdy na duńskie

Planując przeprowadzkę do Danii z zagranicy, ludzie prawdopodobnie przeoczają pewne umiejętności, które później stają się…

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在计划从国外搬迁到丹麦时,人们可能会忽略某些后来变得必要的技能。 对于从非洲或亚洲抵达丹麦的外籍人士来说,拥有驾驶执照之类的东西是一个疯狂的梦想。 你可能明白,在某些国家,拥有汽车是一种奢侈。 这个现实与丹麦不同,即使是青少年也可以旋转一些时髦的汽车。 对于那些在来丹麦之前接受过驾驶培训的幸运儿来说,真正的体验来自于改变。 在大多数情况下,人们认为他们的外国驾照会自动被接受,以更改为丹麦驾照。 远非这样。 完成交换的实际过程可能很艰巨,一些胆小的人甚至放弃了。 很多外国人讲述或窃窃私语,他们开始更换驾驶执照,在丹麦通过实践和理论驾驶考试时遇到了死胡同。  不要试图吓唬任何人或让它看起来不可能,将驾驶执照更改为丹麦驾驶执照不仅仅是一个简单的过程,这不是你想象的那样,只需签署几份文件,然后嗯!你完成了。 呸,没有。 您必须通过执照的法医检查,在驾驶学校注册,在丹麦驾驶之前通过理论和实践测试。 推荐阅读:丹麦驾照 在丹麦作为外国人驾驶 在享受丹麦之旅的同时,驾驶私家车更是锦上添花。…

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Mardrömmen att byta ut ett utländskt körkort mot ett danskt körkort

När man planerar en flytt till Danmark från utlandet glömmer man ofta bort vissa färdigheter…

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Der Alptraum vom Umtausch eines ausländischen Führerscheins in einen dänischen Führerschein

Bei der Planung einer Umsiedlung aus dem Ausland nach Dänemark werden oft bestimmte Fähigkeiten übersehen,…

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كابوس استبدال رخصة قيادة أجنبية برخصة دنماركية

عند التخطيط للانتقال إلى الدنمارك من الخارج ، من المحتمل أن يتجاهل الناس بعض المهارات…

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Кошмар обмена иностранного водительского удостоверения на датское

Планируя переезд в Данию из-за рубежа, люди, скорее всего, упускают из виду некоторые навыки, которые…

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Ulkomaisen ajokortin vaihtaminen tanskalaiseen on painajaismaista

Kun ihmiset suunnittelevat muuttoa Tanskaan ulkomailta, he todennäköisesti unohtavat tietyt taidot, jotka myöhemmin osoittautuvat tarpeellisiksi….

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เมื่อวางแผนย้ายจากต่างประเทศไปเดนมาร์ก ผู้คนมักจะมองข้ามทักษะบางอย่างที่จำเป็นในภายหลัง สำหรับชาวต่างชาติที่เดินทางมาถึงเดนมาร์กจากแอฟริกาหรือเอเชีย การมีใบขับขี่ถือเป็นความฝันอันสูงสุด คุณอาจเข้าใจว่าในบางประเทศ การเป็นเจ้าของรถถือเป็นเรื่องหรูหรา ความเป็นจริงนี้ไม่เหมือนกับเดนมาร์กที่แม้แต่วัยรุ่นก็หมุนรถทันสมัยบางคันไปรอบๆ สำหรับผู้โชคดีที่ฝึกขับรถก่อนมาเดนมาร์ก ประสบการณ์จริงจะเข้ามาเมื่อมีการเปลี่ยนแปลง ในกรณีส่วนใหญ่ ผู้คนคิดว่าใบขับขี่ต่างประเทศจะได้รับการยอมรับโดยอัตโนมัติเพื่อเปลี่ยนเป็นใบขับขี่ของเดนมาร์ก ไกลจากมัน. กระบวนการจริงของการแลกเปลี่ยนอาจเป็นเรื่องยากและผู้ที่ไม่หวังดีบางคนถึงกับยอมแพ้ มีเรื่องเล่าหรือเสียงกระซิบมากมายเกี่ยวกับชาวต่างชาติที่เริ่มกระบวนการเปลี่ยนใบขับขี่ พบกับจุดจบในการผ่านการทดสอบภาคปฏิบัติและทฤษฎีการขับขี่ในเดนมาร์ก …

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海外からデンマークへの移住を計画する際、ある種のスキルが必要であることを見落とす人がいます。 アフリカやアジアからデンマークにやってきた駐在員にとって、運転免許のようなものを持つことは夢のような話です。 ある国では、車を所有することが贅沢であることを理解しているかもしれません。 この現実は、ティーンエイジャーでも流行の車を乗り回すデンマークとは違います。 デンマークに来る前にドライビングトレーニングを受けた幸運な人たちは、乗り換えるときに本当の経験ができるのです。 多くの場合、外国の運転免許証は自動的にデンマークの運転免許証への切り替えが認められると思われています。 それどころではありません。 実際にスワップしてもらう作業は大変で、気の弱い人は諦めてしまうことさえある。 運転免許証の書き換えを始めた外国人が、デンマークでの実技・学科試験に合格できずに行き詰まるという話はよく聞くし、ささやかれている。  誰も怖がらせようとしたり、それが不可能に見えるようにすることなく、デンマークの1に運転免許証を変更すると、それはちょうどあなたが想像したものではありません、ちょうど論文のカップルに署名し、その後ハァッ!あなたが完了した。 プーさん……いや 免許証のフォレンジックチェックを受け、教習所に登録し、理論と実技の両方のテストに合格してから、デンマークの免許証が手渡されます。 読むことをお勧めします。デンマークの運転免許証 デンマークで外国人として運転する デンマークでの素晴らしい滞在を楽しみながら、プライベートカーでのドライブはそのためのアイシングになります。…

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Õudusunenägu välismaise juhiloa vahetamisel Taani juhiloa vastu

Välismaalt Taani kolimist kavandades jätavad inimesed tõenäoliselt tähelepanuta teatud oskused, mis hiljem muutuvad vajalikuks. Välismaalaste…

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Danimarka’da bir göçmen olarak polisle karşılaşmaktan kaçının

Danimarka çok az sayıda güvenlik korkusu vakasının yaşandığı son derece huzurlu bir ülkedir. Normal bir…

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Som invandrare i Danmark, undviker du att stöta på polisen

Danmark är ett mycket fredligt land med få incidenter med säkerhetsrisker. Under en vanlig dag…

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Als Einwanderer in Dänemark: Begegnungen mit der Polizei vermeiden

Dänemark ist ein sehr friedliches Land, in dem es nur wenige sicherheitsbedenkliche Vorfälle gibt. An…

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The Danish Wedding Customs

Generally, Danes can be very cold people-most first timers in the country think so. It…

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No excuses on your tax obligations as an expat in Denmark

Moving to Denmark for the first time with an intention of living for a longer…

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The love for dogs among the Scandinavians

You will without a doubt spot Scandinavians strolling their pedigree dogs along the streets of…

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Fitness culture in Scandinavia

You have probably wondered why only a few cases of overweight people are reported in…

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Swedbank Pay

Markets are fast moving online and cash payments have over time become archaic. You could…

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The Best Online Casinos for Scandinavian Players

The best online casinos for Scandinavian Players

The online casino Scandinavia features various government regulations and other issues that make it difficult…

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Get your NemID in Denmark Today

If CPR number is a gateway to public services in Denmark, then NemID is the…

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Best paying jobs for ex-pats in Denmark

Generally, Denmark ranks among the best countries in the world for expat workers. The attractiveness…

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Best options to send money abroad from Denmark

Best options to send money abroad from Denmark

Sending money has not been made like today. There are over ten options for sending…

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Bitcoin Casinos in Scandinavia

Bitcoin Casinos in Scandinavia: Which Country Has Adopted Crypto Casinos At The Most?

Bitcoin casinos in Scandinavia are now just as popular as regular casinos using fiat money….

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Foods you won’t miss in a Danish meal

When planning to visit Denmark for the first time, the foods there must be something…

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Mobile Phone and internet subscription in Finland

Mobile phone and internet  subscription are the heartbeat of information in Finland. As expected of…

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Mobile subscription in Finland

As a newcomer in Finland, nothing makes life more comfortable than the ability to talk…

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The love for pets in Scandinavia

The love for pets in Scandinavia is almost fanatical. You walk across the streets in…

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Viking History

Over 1000 years ago, Norsemen left their homes with the aim of pursuing reaches abroad….

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Norse Mythology Family Tree

Knowing something about the Norse mythology could be a good way to appreciate the foundation…

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Norwegian viking heritage sites

Norwegian viking heritage sites to explore

If you’re interested in viking culture and norse mythology there’s no better place to visit…

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Norwegian Buhund

Norwegian Buhund also known as Norsk Buhund is a darling of many dog lovers. The…

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Loans in Finland

Loans in Finland is probably one of the interesting pieces of information for any newcomer….

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Loki Norse Mythology

Loki nose mythology represents a very interesting aspect of the Norse history. In Norse Mythology,…

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Norse Monsters

Norse monsters are an important and defining source or evidence of the Norwegian belief systems….

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Football in Denmark

Football in Denmark is among the many activities that keeps the country shining among the…

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Norway rat

Norway rat is among the small yet notable animals that form part of the Norwegian…

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Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian Forest Cat, also known as Norsk skaukatt or Norsk skogskatt, is a domestic…

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Viking wedding

There can never be an interesting read than that which dates back to the Viking…

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Have you lived in Norway for a while and wonder why people refer to Janteloven…

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Aurora (Singer)

Aurora Aksnes is a Norwegian record producer, songwriter, and singer. She was born on 15…

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Viking Tattoos

The Vikings were more than just barbarians and plunder. They were complex people, keen travelers,…

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Study in Denmark

Denmark is a country of great academic opportunities at all levels including kindergarten, primary, secondary,…

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Student Life in Denmark

Becoming a student in Denmark has never been any easier.  With the current internet access…

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Working in Sweden

Working in Sweden is a great milestone in the life of an expatriate. This is…

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Things to hate about Scandinavia

We often talk about the greatness of Scandinavia and why you should definitely move to…

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Goodbye Scandinavia

“Goodbye Scandinavia” may be the last thing that any expatriate wishes to say. Once you…

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How to get a job in Scandinavia

How to get a job is a worry for most people planning about moving abroad….

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Famous Vikings

Famous Vikings

Famous Vikings occupy an important place in the history of Scandinavia which no one can…

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Viking Sword

Viking Sword

The viking Sword was never any ordinary weapon. In fact, swords were great symbols of…

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Studying in Norway

Norway for sure is a country of hidden treasures. Not so many people travelling to…

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A Quick Overview of Iceland

The first time anyone hears the name Iceland, what comes to the mind is snow…

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