Work opportunities in Denmark for expat professionals or skilled  workers courtesy of the Positive List 


In the previous years, Denmark could be easily ignored by foreigner seeking greener pastures abroad. You probably know of people thronging the embassies of many countries attempts to move whether to the USA, Canada, the UK etc, but Denmark isn’t so common a destination. The news is that things have changed so fast in the recent past. Today, more than 10% of the Danish labour force consists of immigrants from different parts of the world. 

To many, it may appear so difficult to move to Denmark as a worker. But in reality, the need for highly skilled and professional people has increased in the country. The local capacity of Denmark and essentially Europe to supply enough of the needed level of workforce is overstretched. So, do not be surprised that Denmark will engage her strategic partners to help import labour force. Certain fields such as Engineering and computer technology lead in offering so many opportunities for international experts. 

For anyone looking out to immigrate to Denmark as a worker, a good working environment is a guarantee. Wondering about ways of getting the matching and well-paying in Denmark? Just consult the positive list which periodically publishes labour scarce professions in Denmark requiring more workers. 

A short Overview of Denmark and its great job Opportunities 

Most people who make it to Demark come to attend its great academic institutions. True to it, on matters of education, Denmark delivers 100%. Actually, Denmark is ranked top among countries with the best education system globally. For the immigrant students in Denmark wishing to stay back after studies, the starting point should be clever choice of study programs. It pays to choose from among the the highly marketable courses in Danish world class universities.

As an international wishing to work in Denmark, you may focus on studying in Denmark and taking up the top courses. This will give you very high chances of getting to work in Denmark soon after competing studies. It is therefore prudent that when you choose a course, you must think about your career. Look into courses that will probably put you into the positive list for a job in Denmark.

The attractiveness and connection to Denmark by numerous international job seekers is not only attributed to its favourable labour norms. But rather, could be looked at from the perspective of the strong labour unions, work environment, and the highly paid workers. It is crucial that as you salivate for a job placement in Denmark, your course and career need to be in this positive list.

What is the meaning of a Positive List?

This is a list that avail and describe the professions experiencing a shortage of qualified experts in Denmark. If you have been offered a job placement within the Positive List, then you can apply for a Danish residence and a work permit. But this must only be based on the Positive List Scheme.

The most important aspect is that for you to be able to qualify for a job placement your educational background should be competent. This is in accordance with the criteria of the Danish labour laws. It states that, any foreigner with a residence and work permit may seek employment in any position provided that they are qualified.

However, you must be aware that listing certain professions doesn’t mean that they are special or treated with much esteem. Every job in Denmark is treated with respect and the highest-level esteem. Having a Positive List only notifies the internationals of the professions with available vacancies.

In Denmark, this list is updated twice in a year on the 1st of the months of January and July. One positive thing that comes with the Positive List Scheme is the fact that even an asylum seeker can apply for a job. If you are an asylum and have found a job in the list then you can apply through the scheme.

Positive List of Occupations Experiencing Shortage in Denmark 

International workers from outside the EU as well as the European Economic Area are all eligible for work. This means that under the Positive List Scheme, their residence permits are also eligible if they obtain a job offer in one of those occupations.

Additionally, there are some applicants who are listed under the Danish Green Card Scheme are also listed for bonus points. On the basis of these points, they get tested if they indeed have any experience in any of the occupations on the Positive List. However, some occupations will specifically require Danish citizenship, international sectoral agreements, and Danish specified qualifications.

The Positive List covers most occupations in the field of engineering, medicine, IT and networking, education and many others. In case you have a family member that you wish to accompany you, then make contact with the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI). For a spouse, cohabiting partner, parent, and other family member to live with you in Denmark, a resident permit application is necessary. 

The Current Positive List of Labour Shortage for International in Denmark 

The Danish government recently published a new Positive List for the highly educated and another for skilled workers. This is necessary for the internationals wishing to work in Denmark, but it will also help them determine if they meet the qualifications. Denmark intends to curb the issue of labour shortages the country experiences by giving equal competitiveness to internationals.

According to SIRI, this new Positive List was effective from the 1st of July to the 31st of December. SIRI developed this list basing their assumptions upon the Labour Market Balance from the Agency for Labour Market and recruitment. Generally, such a move was made by this body to help Denmark combat the issue of qualified professionals’ shortages.

In this list, SIRI included people with a Higher Education with a total of 45 job titles and those of Skilled Workers to be 46 job titles. As published by SIRI, the data indicates that Denmark is presently looking for persons to be employed in various fields which include;

  • Social field
  • Healthcare
  • Natural science and Engineering
  • Education and Teaching
  • Economics
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Law
  • Sales and Administration
  • Social Sciences and Culture

But of all the fields mentioned, the field of education and teaching, natural science and engineering have the most scarcity. If you look into them, you will realise that each of these fields have like 10 job titles. This must be some juicy news for an ambitious skilled person abroad eyeing moving to Denmark.

In the field of engineering and natural sciences, Denmark is looking to have a production, construction, mechanical and civil engineer. In addition, Denmark also needs an engineer in architecture, environment, energy among others.

What you Should Do

Looking to join the broad array of the Danish workforce? Then the positive list is a good starting point. There is always room for ambitious, happy, and dedicated workforce in Denmark. A constant check on the positive list job updates in Denmark turns wishes of working in Denmark into realities. This will ultimately turn out to be the best decision ever towards your career development. 

Besides, Denmark is looking forward to changing its permanent residency employment criteria. Denmark will soon make the procedure and criteria of becoming a permanent Danish citizen easier. The Danish minister for immigration and integration has expressed the intentions of facilitating the procedures.
