Tips when relocating from the United States to Scandinavia

Moving to Scandinavia may not be as simple as well traveled people may make it look. Truth be told, those who’ve lived in Scandinavia would suggest that one gets proper tips on survival tactics, rules, culture and so many more about Scandinavia. Like some complicated machine that comes with a manufacturer’s manual, life in Scandinavia … Read more

8 Christmas Gifts ideas for family and friends in Scandinavia

Christmas is around the corner and almost everything happening around keeps reminding us of the Christmas tree, decorations, parties and every frenzy that comes with the season. Probably you\ve landed in Scandinavia recently and are really trying to adjust to what Christmas festivities mean in the region. Here we give insights on what Christmas gifts … Read more

A Look at Gambling in Various Scandinavian Countries

A Look at Gambling in Various Scandinavian Countries

Gambling has been around since the oldest human civilizations. Throughout history, it has endured through regulations, illegalization, and acceptance. And while there are still countries trying to ban gambling in some way, the hobby endures among those that enjoy it. Scandinavians, for example, certainly do enjoy gambling. Each of the countries that make up the … Read more

Quick tips Ukrainian refugees can use to get a job in Scandinavia

Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war, a lot has happened but one thing that stands out is that so many Ukrainians have had to leave what they consider their home. Professional Ukrainians, ordinary civilians, helpless retirees and children as well as women have fled Ukraine to seek refuge in Scandinavia. While the international community … Read more

Easy tell-tale signs that it’s time to visit the dentist

Tooth Care or generally oral hygiene is one area that so many of us, including the most informed sometimes fall short. Out of our busy schedules, we quickly rush to brushing our teeth or sometimes just guggling water and that’s all. But the honest truth remains that once your teeth get bad in whatever way, … Read more

Filling tax returns as immigrant in Denmark

So many immigrants make their way to Denmark on Schengen visa each year and end up joining the country’s labor market. Whether one comes as a student, seasonal worker, accompanying family, family reunification or asylum seeker, at some point, working comes in. With working in Denmark comes the question of filling tax returns and law … Read more

Mobile payment services in Denmark 

The mention of payment services likely triggers positive feelings in many people since with it comes immediate thoughts about money. In Denmark, like the rest of the world money reigns high and convenience when making and receiving payments becomes a key priority. With the great progress in mobile telephony and internet, Denmark hasn’t dragged behind … Read more

Love for cigarettes among Scandinavians

So many newcomers to Scandinavia may be shocked on their first few days in the country by the smoking habit that cuts gender and age. In fact, it can be first astounding to realize that despite leading in research on some of the effects of addiction to the cigar, Scandinavians will still go for it like it … Read more

Happy new year 2023 from across the Scandinavia

On the eve of  the new year 2023, cities and neighbourhoods across Scandinavia burst into frenzy as residents showed much ecstasy. With the Christmas decorations still renting space along major streets, fireworks were blown to just express the happiness of yet another new year. People defied the piercing winter cold to pour out in their … Read more

Exciting Places for Holidaying in Sweden

We can all agree that so many of us fall into the trap of being immersed in working to earn for our always pressing needs. A foreigner coming to Sweden has great goals on how to make big money and build mansions back home. But still, there are a good number of us who see … Read more

Housing Allowance in Denmark and how it Works 

Moving to and living  in Denmark is generally very expensive whether you are a student or employed. At least most of those who have gone through the process can testify to how draining it can be. By the time you finally lay your hand on the NemID, get your CPR and the famous Yellow Card, … Read more

Car renting in Denmark as a Foreigner

Transport in Denmark is probably a topic that is likely of great interest to an expat moving to the country or just visiting for a short time. While the public transport system is well developed to include trains and buses, their route plan may not be so suitable to someone who wants to do everything … Read more

Owning houses in Denmark as a foreigner on a Temporary Residence Permit 

There is nothing as exciting and worth being proud about for a foreigner like owning houses or even a single house in Denmark. You have probably read about or talked to those dollar millionaires giving stories of their apartments in exotic places like Mar-a-Lago and Palm Beach in the USA; exclusive neighbourhoods of Christianshavn and … Read more

Divorce issues in Denmark as an expat

Divorce issues can be emotionally and mentally exhausting whether you are initiating the divorce or not. In fact, so many cultures discourage divorce and couples always hope that they will remain true to their wedding vows of “till death do us part”.  But faced with the reality that the marriage is best dissolved and partners … Read more

Get a Freetrailer in Denmark to Move your Stuff

Denmark is an amazing country with so many things for adventure, learn and challenge oneself. Although not so many out there may know that Denmark ranks among the exciting places to work, live, study, research and many more, it actually is. But, there is always the other side of Denmark which often surprises those who … Read more

Buying from Second Hand Shops (Genbrug) in Denmark 

Shopping in Denmark can be such a great experience because one gets to buy some of the best stuff around. Actually, Danes or even foreigners who live in Denmark tend to afford some of the niceties that people would dream of having. In one of our articles, we explained how property and soft loans available … Read more

Drinking, Clubbing and Partying Culture in Denmark 

Generally, Scandinavia is a happy region with people being so trusting of the government. But over and above the issues of governance that make Scandinavia an exciting place for even internationals, merry making, barbecue, parties and clubbing are spices that define life there. In Scandinavia, you are either drinking or smoking but in most cases, … Read more

Best Tricks to Learn Danish Language as a Foreigner

The reality in Denmark which most people will not be willing to tell you or just gloss over is that learning Danish language is a great icebreaker. Any person coming to live in Denmark for a period that runs into a year and more must be willing to learn Danish. Even if you come to … Read more

90/180-day rule for holders of a Schengen Visa

For anyone looking to process immigration to Europe, the Schengen visa is that coveted gateway. After you process your visa and have the itinerary in place, it’s time to know more details about rules that apply in that part of the world. The best travellers of old told us that when you move to Rome, … Read more

Costs associated with Owning and using a private car in Denmark 

Denmark is a country where everyone tries to live a decent and convenient life with less struggles. Any foreigner arriving in the country will quickly pick the cue and try as much as possible to own the nice stuff that makes life enjoyable. Key among the important things to own in Denmark as a foreigner … Read more

Signing Up for Childcare in Denmark

As a foreigner residing in Denmark, you may sign up for childcare services before your child reaches the age of 4 months old. However, both the parent as well as the child have to have a Civil Registration Number (CPR Number). You will also need a registered address. In Denmark, daycare consists of two levels … Read more

Maintaining and servicing a private car in Denmark

People in Denmark have a particular taste for good things in life and don’t just stop at that, they buy the nice stuff.  Actually, any foreigner arriving in Denmark will notice that people buy dream cars, phones, electronics and even houses. Assuredly, within just a few months of living in Denmark, a foreigner will entertain … Read more

Buying a Used Car in Denmark

Driving is a common thing in Denmark which may be a surprise to many people arriving in the country. In Denmark, teenagers can start driving lessons at the age of 17 years but get a driving license only at 18 years. This being the case, a foreigner in Denmark can quickly think of ways to … Read more

Holiday Money ( feriepenge) in Denmark Helps Workers to Travel the World

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, so they say. Denmark is one country where companies and employers really take this saying so seriously. As much as possible, workers in Denmark take a break at a point during the year. In fact, those who have worked in Denmark may testify that the … Read more

Bakeries Mean so much in the life of a Dane

There are a few things that people travelling abroad commonly joke about. Among them is what staple food to expect in the destination. Understandably, every person may ask, what do people eat in Denmark that makes it among the happiest countries? Nobody wants to imagine that Denmark is like the stereotype that people pass on … Read more

Child Support Money in Denmark

It is no longer news that Denmark ranks among the happiest countries globally. It has also played host to so many immigrants from across the world in the recent past. Some of these immigrants come as complete, broken or single parent families . It would be helpful to understand what Denmark has for helping children … Read more

The best online dating sites in Denmark

If you’re living in Denmark and is looking for love, you’ve come to the right place! There are a lot of great dating sites out there for Danish singles, but not all of them are created equal. To help you find the best site for you, we’ve put together a list of the top five … Read more

FAQs about Money Transfers from Denmark

If you’re an expat living in Denmark, you may have questions about money transfers. Here are some frequently asked questions about money transfers from Denmark: 1. What are the most common methods for transferring money out of Denmark? The most common methods for transferring money out of Denmark are bank transfers and money transfer services. … Read more

Home insurances in Denmark explained

Home insurance is a type of insurance that covers your home and belongings in the event of damage or theft. It is not mandatory to have home insurance in Denmark, but it is strongly recommended. There are different types of home insurance policies available, so it is important to compare different policies before deciding which … Read more

The best car insurance in Denmark

As an expat, you may be required to have a valid driver’s license and car insurance before you can legally drive in Denmark. The good news is that there are a number of companies that offer competitively priced car insurance for expats. To get the best deal on your car insurance, it is important to … Read more

Comparing Car Insurances in Denmark

When you are living in Denmark, it is important to have a good car insurance policy. There are many different companies that offer car insurance, and it can be difficult to know which one is the best for you. That is why we have created this guide to help you compare car insurances in Denmark. … Read more

Registration of Imported Cars in Denmark

As an expat, you may want to bring your car with you when you move to Denmark. Here’s what you need to know about registering an imported car in Denmark. To register your car in Denmark, you must have: A valid Danish driver’s license Valid car insurance Ownership proof for the car (registration certificate or … Read more

FAQs and answers about money transfers from Denmark

Transferring money to and from Denmark can be somewhat of a jungle to figure out. But don’t worry because we got you! We have gathered a lot of frequently asked questions and answered them in a FAQ. Q1: Do I need to open a Danish bank account to send money from Denmark? No, you don’t … Read more

Nightmare of swapping a foreign Driving Licence to a Danish one

When planning a relocation to Denmark from abroad, people likely overlook certain skills that later become necessary. For expats arriving in Denmark from lets say Africa or Asia, having something like a driving licence is a wild dream. You may understand that in certain countries, owning a car is a luxury. This reality is unlike … Read more

Adjusting to Life in Denmark as an Unmarried Expatriate Woman

Every other day, single women or those accompanied by their children cross the borders into Denmark from abroad. The often talked about greener pastures in Denmark means that single women coming to the country have high hopes of at least making it big. As anyone may easily guess, being a single mother in most instances … Read more

As an immigrant in Denmark, Avoid run-ins with the police

Denmark is a very peaceful country with barely a few incidents of security scare. On a normal day, you will encounter the police just doing their daily patrols just to reassure people of their safety. Similarly, the Danish Army is largely in their barracks because external threats are hard to come by.  Something else that … Read more

The 183 days rule for those living in Denmark

Denmark is one of the Scandinavian countries offering the best opportunities for ambitious and motivated internationals. Considering the field of work, education, research and development, as well as social support, Denmark stands out. Actually, a highly qualified individual who really wishes to come over to Denmark can always be on the lookout for the positive … Read more

Youth Card (Ungdomskort) for Students in Denmark

Denmark isn’t as popular a destination globally compared to countries like Germany, France, the USA, Italy and such. However, studies is one of the ways through which people manage to come over to Denmark and partake of world class programs offered within some of the globally recognized universities in the country.  Becoming a student in … Read more

Lebara Top-Up in Denmark

When you first arrive in Denmark or even as a resident, it can be so frustrating not having a phone signal. You don’t just want to be trapped in such desperate situations where calling back home is not possible and even chatting with friends a far dream. To save you the hassle, it is important … Read more

Best Food Delivery Services for you in Denmark

Arriving in Denmark, you will likely spot people riding mopeds, scooters, bicycles and sometimes small cars with some brand emblem of visibly delicious foods. Across small and big cities in Denmark, the culture of bot cooking at home is fast becoming normal. People are just too busy that they will not spare any more time … Read more

Home insurance in Sweden explained

Home insurance in Sweden explained

As an expat, you are probably not familiar with the Swedish home insurance system. In this blog post, we will explain the basics of home insurance in Sweden. In Sweden, there are two types of home insurance: buildings insurance and contents insurance. Buildings insurance covers the building itself and contents insurance covers your belongings. It … Read more

Get your NemID in Denmark Today

If CPR number is a gateway to public services in Denmark, then NemID is the key. I mean the two almost go together when it comes to getting public services in Denmark. Just to give you an impression of it, anyone with a social media account must have had to fill in some information under … Read more

Best paying jobs for ex-pats in Denmark

Generally, Denmark ranks among the best countries in the world for expat workers. The attractiveness of Denmark is not only in its fair labour practices but also string labour unions, lucrative salaries and an environment that allows everyone to fully explore their limits. For each job, there is always an allocation for research and development … Read more

The best dating sites in Sweden

The best dating sites in Sweden

There are a lot of dating sites that have been developed for the Swedish market. But which ones are the best? Here is a list of the 5 best dating sites in Sweden. Check out these ones: MindAlike This site is a Swedish dating site that calls out for exclusivity and you haves to apply … Read more

Free credit cards in Sweden

Free credit cards in Sweden

There are a few things to consider when looking for a free credit card in Sweden. The first is that most cards will require that you have a Swedish bank account. The second is that you will need to be a Swedish resident. The third is that you might need to have a good credit … Read more

Bitcoin Casinos in Scandinavia: Which Country Has Adopted Crypto Casinos At The Most?

Bitcoin Casinos in Scandinavia

Bitcoin casinos in Scandinavia are now just as popular as regular casinos using fiat money. Numerous dependable platforms are accessible to players residing in Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. Considering how many people have entered the world of online crypto trading, it is far from surprising that such gambling websites are getting so much attention. In … Read more

Foods you won’t miss in a Danish meal

When planning to visit Denmark for the first time, the foods there must be something to closely think about. Like in any other country, Denmark has its own cuisine that goes way back in history to the Vikings era. These foods have gone through cosmetic culinary adjustments influenced by interactions with the rest of the … Read more

Romance, Dating and Relationships in Scandinavia

Scandinavia is a region which never stops surprising immigrants from the rest of the world who come to live there. The surprises are not only in the way the communities are organised but also food, dressing, relationships, transport and welfare system. Because the surprises in Scandinavia are just too many to fully talk about in … Read more

Best ways to get your dream apartment

Something interestingly peculiar with almost all the Scandinavian countries is that homelessness is a rare thing. when planning to move to Scandinavia, its always a good idea to know how to get your dream apartment in each of the countries including Sweden, Norway and Denmark. If you care to compare relative homelessness in the rest … Read more

Quick steps to convert your India driving license to Finnish license

Hey There! I would like to share my personal experience and process of converting India driving license to Finnish license. First a little background I moved to “Vantaa, Finland” from “Dubai, UAE” in Aug-2018. Before I moved here I wanted check if its possible to use my India or UAE driving license here in Finland. … Read more

My passport is invalid; Visa has expired

For any traveller or expatriate, nothing sends chills down the spine more than the realisation that the very important travel documents are not valid anymore. You know, sometimes the stay in a foreign country can turn out to be full of fun and enjoyment that travel documents expire unnoticed. But no one may want to … Read more

Raising a Global Child

Today as globalization and more international jobs accept people from different parts of the globe, children who relocate with parents during such deployments effectively become global children. These are children who have lived part of their lives in different socio-cultural settings. They do not have a pure upbringing and have acquired bits of socialization at … Read more

Romance and Intimacy as a sojourner

I daresay that everybody harbours this great desire to travel and explore the world although with the naivety of its downsides. One common reality that people may want to ignore or put on the back banner is that a sojourner will never get enough time to establish a stable and working romantic relationship. Whether the … Read more

Getting Your First car and Starting to Drive in a Foreign Country

As the world quickly becomes a global village, so is the need to always have convenient means of mobility. Nothing makes traveling easier and enjoyable, especially when in a new country like having your own car. When you get your own car, it only takes your own decision to decide where to go, when and … Read more

Lawyer in Sweden

lawyer sweden

Just like other Scandinavian countries, Sweden is generally a peaceful country with few cases of crimes. However, this is not to mean that you will not be in need of legal services. On a day tod ay basis, people living in Sweden will require different types of legal services including family issues, immigration, business, financial … Read more

Social Security in Sweden explained

social security lifeguard sweden

As a foreigner in Sweden, you are highly sensitive to how the system operates, your duties, responsibilities and rights within this new society. What makes Sweden attractive and liveable for most immigrants is its well developed and functional social security system. The social system in Sweden ensures that every person living in the country is … Read more

Gambling laws in Sweden

Gambling Sweden

The laws involving gambling in Sweden are strictly regulated by law. This means that experienced gamblers who are used to gambling at international casinos and betting are most likely to not get impressed by what you see at the few real casinos or the online casinos. If you want to know a bit more about … Read more

Housing in Denmark

rent house denmark

One thing that stands out in Denmark is the rare cases of  homelessness. Again, the social system and various job opportunities available in the country makes it easy for everyone to have an opportunity to live a decent life. When you move to Denmark, housing should be the first thing on your priority list. Rarely … Read more

Studying in Sweden

study sweden

For a long time now, Sweden has been home to students from across the globe who are attracted by the great facilities available in the country’s universities. Compared to the other Scandinavian countries, Sweden proves to be more welcoming to students from English speaking countries since Swedes speak it so fluently and easily as well.  … Read more

Learning Swedish

Learning swedish

Just like the other Scandinavian countries, Sweden has a particular pride in its language, Swedish. Although it may not be a primary consideration when being granted a residence permit in the country, it will soon occur to you that learning Swedish as an extra language makes life much easier there. You can’t imagine walking into … Read more

Private Loans Sweden

Private loan sweden - credit

One thing about Sweden is that the cost of living is relatively high which increases the chances that someone will at one time get cash strapped. Whether in need of money to buy some beautiful jewellery, a new model car or just foodstuff, there are various private financial institutions in Sweden that got you covered. … Read more

Social Security in Denmark

a kasse denmark

As much as the economy and politics in Denmark are largely stable, this has not taken away the uncertainties that people face in everyday life. There is always a possibility of losing a job, being unable to meet daily needs, injury at work, or inability to care for children. Denmark has a structured system which … Read more

Aalborg Epat Quick Guide

Aalborg - study - work - expat

Aalborg is a city located in the northern part of the Jutland region of Denmark. Being among the oldest cities in Denmark, Aalborg is home to some of the treasures dating back to AD1000. The city has experienced a fair share of bad and good times. In the 1530s, Aalborg suffered various religious civil wars … Read more

Insurance in Denmark

Insurance Denmark

Generally, Denmark is a safe country with few major incidences of public risks and uncertainties. However, individual private risks still exist. The private risks come in the form of car accidents, fire risks, property loss, and others. You can easily find insurance here: Many people living in Denmark have one form of insurance to take … Read more

Probing the loan market in Norway

Loan money norway

The loan market in Norway is saturated with offers, but we can divide the market into different segments. The banks usually specialize in the various products. Still, this doesn’t mean you can’t find a bank offering one or all of them, though it might have an impact on advantages as we see with credit cards … Read more

Driver’s License in Denmark

Driver's License

Driving a private car is one of the things that someone will probably see the need for when living in Denmark. As much as public transport is streamlined with clear schedules, having a private car and a drivers document gives one some level of flexibility, reliability and control. Again, as a foreigner in Denmark who … Read more

All about Scandinavia for you

scandinavian countries life and happiness

On the face of it, Scandinavia doesn’t match our typical ideas about a region worth migrating to. It doesn’t make it to global headlines all the time, it has a tiny population, and frankly, most of us really don’t really know much about the place. When we think of migration, most people automatically steer towards the … Read more

Den Gyldne Okse – The Restaurant

There is nothing more exciting for a steak lover to eat steak in a historic building. Den Gyldne Okse is one of the best places in Viborg Denmark that undoubtedly offers one of the best steaks in the whole world. Regardless of the steak type you want, such as beef fillet, beef tenderloin, pepper steak, … Read more

The Weather in Odense

weather odense

Weather is one of the key considerations before traveling to any new place. If you want to visit the third-largest city in Denmark, Odense, which is a literary wonderland and has many things to offer, keep on reading to find out everything you need to know about its weather. Temperature Depending upon the time of … Read more

The concept of A-kasse explained

A-kasse Denmark

Like other Scandinavian countries, Denmark offers the best social security system which is sensitive to the needs of every resident. As someone working in Denmark, you will be qualified for the Danish Social regulations. One important part of this social security is the unemployment insurance fund; also known as A-Kasse. A-Kasse will make sure that … Read more

Loan in Denmark

Loan in Denmark

Generally, the cost of living in Denmark is not so high compared to other Scandinavian countries. But once in a while, someone can be easily thrown off budget. With bills pending, daily sustenance and emergencies all competing for money, a loan may come handy. There are so many financial institutions who offer qualified applicants loans. … Read more

Dating in Denmark

dating - denmark

When new to Denmark, dating can be one interesting way to beat the challenges in the new environment. As a foreigner, dating means more than just socializing or developing intimacy. It is therapeutic as the partner becomes someone close with whom to share the anxieties, worries and fulfillment. Remember, when you move to Denmark, the … Read more

Gaming in Scandinavia

gaming sweden

The gaming industry is on the rise across the globe, and Scandinavia isn’t an exception. Just as you’d expect from Scandinavian countries – they do it with style, attention to detail, and carefully nurture and develop their gaming scene. Tip: Visit for unique promotions. In fact, some of the most popular games in the … Read more

Mobile Subscription in Norway

Mobile Subscription Norway

Arriving in Norway is always a thrill to any newcomer. However, one immediately realises the need to have a means of accessing internet information and communicating home or with friends. At this point, having a working mobile subscription becomes a top priority. Just like the other countries in Scandinavia, Norway’s mobile subscription market is very … Read more

Everything You Need to Know About Moving to Oslo

moving to oslo

Oslo is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, and it’s all thanks to picturesque architecture, beautiful parks, and a lot of things to do and see. Working and living in Oslo is a wonderful place to experience, but it’s always challenging to move somewhere and start your life there. Furthermore you might need … Read more

Everything You Need to Know about Cryptocurrency in Scandinavia

Cryptocurrency in scandinavia

Cryptocurrency has taken over the world. The advantages of a cryptocurrency are numerous, ranging from greater stability to improved control over your money. Unlike regular currencies, crypto is not subjected to political influences and other similar factors. As the popularity of cryptocurrencies has evolved, these coins have made it to different parts of the world. … Read more